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I Have Something To Say, And I Want To Make It Perfectly Clear

If I block you
I am not running away from "You called my BS "
If I have done all I can to reason with you
and I am willing to part "lets agree to disagree "
but thats not good enough ,you are determined to attack my character
call me names ,say I am spreading lies
We then I will block you .

I am not petty ,20 something blocks in 3 yrs here is not unreasonable

You are not being blocked because I am running away from anything
I have never ran from a man or danger in my life ,as a rule I run to it
Maybe I can save someone .but if its not life or death ,my patience only goes so far.

You have proven you are unreasonable and incapable of a mature conversation
You are going to win ,and sometimes in the real world there are no clear winners
I can't give you proof for something I have admitted is faith
But I don't lie ,it is to break a commandment of God "Willfully "
I observe the commandments of God
If I am wrong ,I am man enough to tell my 11 yr old son I was wrong
and I can be wrong many times in a weekend with him ,he is a pretty smart little man
So I am mature enough to admit to any of you I made a mistake or I misquoted something

But I will never allow you to just belittle me or attack my character
Very few of you actually know me ,but if you pay attention to my post's
You know I am an open book ,I try to always be kind .I have no ill will to any of you
and the last thing I want is to hurt any of you in any way
I don't force my beliefs on anyone ,but I will defend them .

But if you can't respect my beliefs ,that I admit most of them are based on faith
Then I will block you
Not to run away
But so that I don't offend you again
I will save you having to scroll past my posts ,you won't see them
Have a good one one and all
I wish nothing for any of you but the best 🙂
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GERRI · 51-55, F
If I block you, it's because I don't care for your post---that's all.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@GERRI I can respect that
I am mature enough to use the scroll feature ,you may say something at a later date I agree with
but I will never know ,I won't see you're posts ,nor you mine
I am not that immature
I learn from people I sometimes disagree with
Like if I am offending a lot of people ,,I might be the problem
not them
GERRI · 51-55, F
Oh I wasn’t talking about you personally,, just in general @rckt148
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@GERRI I know you wasn't and thank you for being so sweet to make sure I knew that ,,you blessed me ,you haven't blocked me
I did know you just meant in general
I was just explaining why I won't block unless they really force me too
I lean a lot from people who don't like me
I am not trying to win over everyone ,but if its something I can fix and not compromise my values ,I am willing to try ,,but thank you for you're kindness
missionfigdeluxe · 61-69, M
I have serious political disagreements with you so that is the only reason I plan a block, you’ve done nothing wrong I’m doing you a favor you would hate my posts.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@missionfigdeluxe I try not to involve myself in politics to often
I happen to know a deeper history on a lot of the subjects discussed here .many because I was part of it and the public will never know about some of it ,or the truth about what they have heard .
When some Presidents are hailed hero's ,some are war criminals still giving speech's and praised ,I have family in politics ,in top secret positions ,that can't tell me details ,but they can tell me I have a right to be worried while the huge smoke screen keeps us all distracted ,something our government is good at ,and we have been doing it a very long time
But if my opinions I do share offend anyone ,
I have 2 options ,talk it out as a mature adult and maybe they can enlighten me ,I sure as hell don't think I know it all .
Or we can block one another and not see each others post again
Which is a shame most of the time because there is way more to me then Politics and Religion ,,but if that's what it takes ,so be it
I am never offended when anyone deletes my post or blocks me
There are a lot of people that do get me that I won't offend
and if I do ,they know I am man enough to accept correction when I am wrong
If I will tell my 11 yr old son I am sorry "Daddy was wrong "
I don't have a problem admitting I was wrong to an adult ,who took the time to teach me ,rather then belittle me
But have a good one either way
I know families divided by politics and religion ,I try to avoid the politics
knowing most of my friends are just not informed ,its not their fault
but I won't help anything ,adding my 2 cents ,with info thats been erased from history ,and I can no longer prove
But most Vets have a story they can tell you ,that didn't line up with the one told to the public

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