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I Don't Trust the Clintons

Bill Clinton attends funeral of serial murderer and terrorist. Impossible to believe, but he has achieved yet another new low in a moral depravity. (A close relative was killed by Martin McGuiness)
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Justme264 · 70-79, M
May I add some other dimensions to this that we should remember:

(a d before the personal abuse starts...I was christened Church of England, rarely attend any Churcb and married a Catholic)

The civil right protests by the catholic minority in 1968 and 1969 against decades of discrination in education, housing and employment by the unionist majority in Ulster were of no interest to the IRA nor Sinn Fein nor the govt of the Irish republic.

The plight of that minority was regarded as their own fault for choosing to stay and was seen as not relevant to the objective of achieving a united Ireland by whatever means.

The IRA only saw a benefit when they noticed the opportunity to pursue that aim by exploiting the unionist discrimination and the inept handling of it by the ulster provincial govt and the UK govt of the time and how well they did exploit it. Especially when they realised they were known as "I Ran Away" instead of the "Irish Republican Army" by that Catholic minority.

The IRA and its splinters groups are also an illegal organisation in the Republic.

Was there ever any difference between the IRA terrorists and the UVF and UDA terrorists and their arallel criminal gangs or e.g. the McGuinnesses and Adams's or the Paisleys and the unpublicised leaders on the Umionist terrorist side?

The reason why we have a peace process is that only after 30 years of "no win" for anybody did the protagonists realise that there had to be a political not military solution.

Successive USA presidents get involved in overseas situations that does not concern the USA only because of the Irish Catholic vote or the Jewish vote or the Italian vote or Oil. No other reason.

Why does the USA tolerate Israel nuclear capability but not others? Because they don't need to worry about an Iranian vote or a Nth Korean vote or a Muslim vote in the USA

Was Jimmy Carter the last USA President to act purely for humanitarian reasons....who really knows but quite possibly.

I look forward to a reasoned response but have my doubts.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
@Justme264 if Arabs put down their arms, there'll be no more WAR, if Israeli's put down their arms, there'll be no more ISRAEL
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MargaretH · 70-79, F
I do not understand why anyone idolizes any politician at all. Guilty until proven innocent is applicable to the whole foul lot of them.
Of course you wouldn't. Why would anyone...?...
Goralski · 56-60, M
He was an great man
MaryWat · 70-79, F
In what debauched, perverted universe do you reside? A hands-on murderer: a terrorist organising the killing of scores of innocent men, women and children. A moral coward.

I was touched by his inhumanity and psychopathy. Lord Tebitt more directly. And he spoke the words any decent human with any feelings would sa 'I'm just pleased that the world is a sweeter and cleaner place now he is dead.
'He was not only a multi-murderer, he was a coward. He knew that the IRA were defeated because British intelligence had penetrated right the way up to the Army Council and that the end was coming.

'He then sought to save his own skin and he knew that it was likely he would be charged before long with several murders which he had personally committed. He was a coward who never atoned for his crimes. There can be no forgiveness without a confession of sins.

'He claimed to be a Roman Catholic. I hope that his beliefs turn out to be true and he'll be parked in a particularly hot and unpleasant corner of hell for the rest of eternity.'

May he rot in hell for his crimes against humanity: children, women, men. All dead at his hand. Shame on Clinton.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Ireland's history won't b written by no protestant
justacuriousdude · 22-25, M
No one trusts them honey
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BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
... who does 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Hillary aquitted a rapist, then laughed when she knew he'd committed the offence

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