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I lost a friend & I feel better for it! 😁

All the while she was bitching and complaining about her life and guess who stood by her and supported her when guys dumped her?! ME! 🤬 I got ghosted for months and 1st call I get from her is her complaining the guy is fkn some other girl behind her

I am an idiot and forgive her. I ain’t got many friends and none that are loyal. I stand by myself

She gets pissed off over social media shit she blown way up in her head. And SHE blocks ME over it! 😡

Now, I am pissed at first because A) ain’t my doing and it ain’t my fault, but B) looking back she didn’t deserve my friendship to begin with, she wasn’t loyal as a friend and that meant she wasn’t a friend at all. She was a time-waster, claiming she’d do stuff she didn’t do, “borrowing” stuff she never returned, making promises she never kept and driving by my House to hang with her loser friends / not making an effort to return my texts unless she wanted something

So Thank you trash for taking yourself to the curb and saving me the effort myself ☺️☺️☺️

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