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Delete / Cancel the Troll's Voice Before you Reply [I Hate Trolls]

So many people coming on here just spreading hatred and judging people without knowing half of the story they read or the person behind it.

Trolls abuse their anon status with a cute username to come and hate strangers...because they have no other way to deal with their emotions instead of being pigs online who cannot live without the attention supply they generate by being douchebags...

I discovered you can delete comments here immediately after a troll spams your post with their hatred... silence their voice before they think they are entitled to any type of attention from you.

This place appears to be a troll fest... don't waste your energy trying to prove yourself to a nutter who has nothing better to do than to judge people in his or her free time - don't waste your time on trash people, use the delete button & gray rock method where necessary!
Well said indeed 😎

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