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I Believe Women Should Obey Their Husbands

Nope..... Never
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I had "obey" taken out of my marriage vowels.. ;)
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Since when did traditional values become a fetish? opk
minnie · 36-40, F
It was always a fetish, not a tradition. Even if it were a tradition then bad tradition always change for good future.
Elegy · 46-50
Just trying to help, you're posting contradictory to the group. Why don;t you instead start the group with the name that supports your belief system instead of drawing attention to this one? I don't subjugate my wife, I'm just trying to help.
Azuriela · 46-50, F
@minnie 👍🏻
Elegy · 46-50
People are smarter than we think.
Elegy · 46-50
Some do this and some do that. Are you going to waste your entire life saving various small groups of people from their bad habits that you can't fully realize the dynamics of?
Azuriela · 46-50, F
@minnie unfortunately most of the women who need to hear your message aren't allowed online to express their opinions and read the opinions of others.
minnie · 36-40, F
No... But i am making sure that my daughter take birth in a world where she could live her life without any fear.
Minnie it was a simple post turned into something bigger. ;)
Azuriela · 46-50, F
@minnie then I shall do the same - here's my two - "ok cool"
minnie · 36-40, F
Some are not. Some people live their life in denial. Some people don't even think before they open their mouth. These kind often impregnate bad traditions and poor examples in the society.
Azuriela · 46-50, F
@Art True. I never realized how naïve I was until a few times of being one of the first commenters on what appeared to me to be a very straightforward post in a straightforward group only to find out it was a fetish group and people thought I was either trolling or judging them when I actually had no clue it was a fetish group 😂😂😂
minnie · 36-40, F
Thanks for help. But here i am trying to help misguided people who believe it's women's duty to follow her husband blindly,instead of using their own mind.
Elegy · 46-50
I need an edit button STAT!
minnie · 36-40, F
@azuriela Here is my one👍
minnie · 36-40, F
@pinkrainbowkiss 😜
MasterLee · 56-60, M
minnie · 36-40, F
I will educate her and fight for her.
minnie · 36-40, F
Fetish or not fetish... I expressed my view on the title of this group two words "nope....never" and i am done.
It's really not a big deal if it's a fetish group or not.. more than likely it's not but who really cares anyway.
Elegy · 46-50
Was on EP js, but what wasn't a fetish on ep really?
minnie · 36-40, F
If it's a fetish group then the title should be sub should obey his/her Dom
Elegy · 46-50
Pretty sure this is a fetish group and your words are falling on deaf eyes js.
minnie · 36-40, F
I am sure kirk's upbringing was poor
Elegy · 46-50
I would suggest you spend your time educating her because your words are wasted here. Either you are going to get high fived by like minded people or some asshole that doesn't agree with your point will just argue you to death and nothing will change. You want to change the world go actually do something and educate your child imho.
Memetic · 56-60, F
This idiot

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