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I Like People Who Say What They Mean And Mean What They Say

Subtlety Is Not My Specialty... I am not good at figuring out hidden meanings when you speak to me, so please do me a slight favor. Just talk plainly. Don't beat around the bush. Just give it to me straight. Whatever it is will be easier to take if I can understand what you have to say. Don't think because you are giving me bad news, I'm going to fall to pieces. I've already experienced some of the worst life has to offer and while I'm a bit scorched, limping, and scarred; I can still walk, so just let me have it with both barrels. Because I can take it. In fact, my personal motto is to hope for the best and plan for the extinction level event around the corner, so you can't knock me over.
So keep your subtleties within and give me some good 'ol plain talking.

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