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A user has blocked me for no reason

That was quite arrogant from the user. Just because I had a difference of opinion she blocked me. User2, you were part of the discussion too. Did i mention anything inappropriate?
Post : Why fuss over something that has no importance
With her comments on others belief and practices she was highly disrespectful whereas she cannot be receptive to a constructive reply
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People can block for any reason they want. It happens a lot and there is no point in reacting to it. Just move on.
Amish · 22-25, M
@Justmeraeagain Ok. Finally everyone is finding problems with me. I will remove her name and even delete this post by tomorrow. I don't want to offend some of the people who gave me genuine advice either.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
@Amish I actually have absolutely no problems with you because I don't know you but I am saying that it's a bad look to name people it's advice you can take or leave that's up to you
Amish · 22-25, M
@Justmeraeagain I understand. Thank you. I respect your suggestion and i have immediately modified the post accordingly. Sorry if I sounded disrespectful. Few things were upsetting me today.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Naming names is against terms of service and lady G has lots of people who like her .
Trolling posts are looked down on in these parts.
And everyone has the right to block anyone they want.
AlyAngel · F
I do not think its appropriate or allowed to post something like this, you may wanna take it down
TexChik · F
So you feel that now that gives you the right to violate the TOS of this site? Grow up.
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@nedkelly Why’d she block me? I disagreed with her. But I could care less. I know her for what she is. “She can fool some of the people…” She can’t fool me.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
no need to bring your drama into the public forum. people are blocked from time to time. the first one stings - after a while you get used to it

worry about covid, it has more totential consequences than being blocked.
Ontheroad · M
No, she had her reasons and that's why she blocked you. You may disagree with her reasons, but she, like all of us, can block whomever she wants.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
It’s her God or no God. She told me I was a fake Christian and blocked me many years ago when I asked questions. Her right though. We can block whomever we choose.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
@Pinkstarburst , guess I will be on hit list sooner or later then, but still don't like name and shame posts
bowman81 · M
Do you need a little cheese with your WHINE?
You were blocked. Grow up and accept the fact that not everyone wants to listen to you. There are rules on the site and they apply to you too.
That’s what she does. Disagree and bam! And I believe she is watching this post currently!
@Amish Yeah according the bible she is showing anti-Christian traits: idolatry, enmity, strife, wrath, faction, division, parties.
A Christian is supposed to display the fruits of the spirit: Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self-control.
But Jesus also said you will know them by their fruits and that many will come in his name and he will turn them away.
There are mannnnnny fake Christians. In fact there are more atheists and Satanists that exhibit Christian traits than self described Christians.
Amish · 22-25, M
@canusernamebemyusername That's very much it is. Every religion has its own goodness. I respect Jesus and Bible too. However in a seemingly spiritual post she was literally telling others that their beliefs are wrong.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
To each his/her own! She can block who she wants and you can do the same. I sure wouldn’t cry over anyone blocking me over disagreeing. She’s entitled to her opinion just as you are. 🙂

She isn’t very tolerant at all if you disagree but hey that’s life. Just put it behind you cause I’m sure you will be blocked by more than her. It’s SW.
Amish · 22-25, M
@NoGamesTolerated Yeah when I posted it I was hurt. I was about to reply to her and that time my message was not going. It's ok. I'm over it now. Thank you
She’s already seen this. Even made a new profile. LOL yes…and I don’t care who doesn’t believe it. She knows it and I know it. Dang! Bold to think I wouldn’t know.
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@AlyAngel I’m not a stalker much but I AM a blocker much! And bam you are next. Mind your business sweet cheeks. You are out of line. And I don’t tolerate people getting in my business here.

For the record, I don’t give a crap who she blocks. I was agreeing with the OP. It’s her way or the highway. Now you’re moving on cause I’m moving you out of my business. Good day girlie!
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
She used a gold plated mouse and celebrated with a huge bag of M and Ms and a whole pot of coffee! Ha ha!!
You can't blame anyone for your perception. Learn to have a respectful conversation.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Constructive reply? It depends on how your constructive reply looks like. Kim Jong Un constructively launches ICBMs for testing purposes.
Just saying.
Why are you so bothered by being blocked by her?
Why did you heart your own post? You need to feel like someone agrees with you 🤣
Amish · 22-25, M
Shouldn't have done. May be just to feel good.
Every so often I see this kind of post. I really don't care who blocks who, how many blocked people each have, who doesn't like you or anyone else
Is this your first day on the internet?
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