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I Always Say Please And Thank You

Where have manners gone? People are in such a rush now to stop and hold a door for the person behind them. It's an action that'll take a few seconds out of your precious time. And why is it when you do so, the person you hold the door open for cannot take 2 seconds to say thank you? It's something that really makes me mad. People seem to lose the meaning of the words "Please," "Thank You," &"You're Welcome." I guess society is to busy tweeting or updating on Facebook how obnoxious or stupid their average everyday actions are.

This is why that grocery worker in Florida that tied the shoe of the elderly person got so much publicity. The act was a great act don't get me wrong and the kid did deserve to be acknowledged. I looked at it and said, "Yeah, that's something you should automatically do. That's being nice. What's so special about that?" Then I realize that for myself and that worker that was just being normal, kind and human. For the rest of society that's going out of the way of their "busy" schedules to help someone. Maybe if the rest of society would be as helpful as he was, this world would be a better place.

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