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I Believe People Come Into Your Life For a Reason

The Plan?... I am part of a group of people that believe we all knew each other before coming into the Earth.  We each made up our Soul Paths to be a part of each others lives.  Sounds incredible, huh? Just like we have grade school in Earthly life there are Spirit Soul Schools
I have a belief simply put that states we come into the Earth to grow stronger spiritually. I believe all souls come to Earth with a purpose in mind.  And, all souls make a spirit contract to be of assistance to each other in the Earth plane.  With help from the Creator & his Son, and other for want of a better word heavenly hosts.  Earth is not the Eternal home for most of us. A lot of souls do not intend to stay here, long at all.
Our work on the Good Spirit in the universe and becoming being strong enough to help out that balance is what is most important in the Souls' Purpose. 
That is the good side of what I spoke of.  You also have dark souls who create havoc and upset the spiritual balance of the universe.  So people do come into your life for a purpose.  Whether it has a negative or positive affect depends as Gen. MacArthur would say, on how you choose to use and view the given information.  More at another time??  Much Love, Blessings, and Light, livingwell
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I have read a lot about the Soul Groups and choosing our path and lessons before we incarnate. All I can say is that it resonates for me, and would explain a lot of things about this earthly life. I choose to live as if it is true.
That's why I love the story of the cavern angel so much-- that before we are born an angel comes to us and places a finger onto the cleft of our mouth and says, "Shh. Don't tell what you know". And we forget, so that we can learn the lessons we agreed to have here.
Amazing theory ..
There is also another theory of reincarnation - where we do so much bad things - we are back on earth as human beings - instead of being born (say as an animal) or a butterfly.
So the more bad things we do in the present life - we are reborn over and over again.

Have you heard of someone who says - they are done with their life they wish they were dead !
But they should have realized during their early years to do good things - so that they break the "being human-being-again" cycle again and be born as a caterpillar - who will turn into a Monarch Butterfly ! and marvel the nature.
Well I've read some background studies and for me it just makes logical sense. As our Creator is not the creator of confusion - it is just we are so used to using Mankinds' knowledge about everything it is hard to aaccept and make use of the Spiritual info even when we say we are spiritual and expect to go Home or Heaven. Thank you so much for the comment...they always make me think even deeper. Many Hugs & Love, livingwell
Yes, but Love would never doom you. And, I do not believe MAN Created the Earth or any of its Planes material or spiritual. The idea you have is a good one...until you line it up with what man does and has done to theEarth, its creatures & plantlife, and mankind itself. *** I am speaking on the whole balance. As we do have some remarkable souls trying desparately to turn that push around***
Blessings & Much Love, livingwell
That is your version, I guess? But when you can show me which Human created the Earth, The Universe, the Stars and all its creatures and plants, rocks and mountains... not just pictures of them then maybe I can take your version a bit more serious. And, it is just my opinion but that to me is the irresponsible way out. WEll of course if there is nothing...then why do anything, or have goodness, truthfulness, cleanliness,spirit, or anything else for that matter, RIGHT?? Give me me my Creator, Darlings!Hugs and Much Love, livingwell
It is simply Beautiful to me that all I have ever imagined long ago was just a door waiting to be knocked on, as I had always been taught by the Christians.
And now the WAY has been opened in a way I cannot even speak ipon..not in this moment...much later. I am truly humbled by my Creator and that Masters' strokes in this magnificent event. Much Love and Unending Blessings to all, livingwell
Thank you. I know it is different...but I truly think this is a real part of Creation. Love is the biggest key, though. Of ourselves and everything else. When we do the Love right...everything else has a greater chance to grow the Love and help everything ynder the Heavens to balance, grow and just BE! Hugs % Love, LW
We just don't want to be responsible, HUH??? We don't want to take care of this place and all it contains the right way, HUH? Maybe if we say it was an accident, Big Bang??, anything but A (One) Creator with decent ways to act or live, we might be able to do all the cruel, bad, selfish, unrully stuff we cling to down here. That is what it sounds like to me.
Again, Give me the Ctreator, his Son, and all the Heavenly hosts. Because what man does to the Earth, himself and the rest of Creation without the Rules of the Creator to bring him back in check has been proven by history to be horribly, gruesome and totally davasting. Much Love, livingwell
Good morning,I found this post, and all of its comments very interesting. I've read some books by Sylvia Brown, it sounds like you share the same religious beliefs. I'm curious. What religion is this? Is it a religion? Could you forward me a list of books, that you could recommend? I would enjoy learning more. I believe religion is a very good thing, I think people have the tendancy to screw things up in the name of religion. I have my own set of beliefs, but I do respect what others feel, and believe. Looking forward to hearing from you. Have a beautiful day!!!
Yes, but this is not a religion. I have to say that it is ba<x>sed on teachings from many religions..basics are the Essenes and their history & schools. Then the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Nag Hammidic Library, and the Zohar.
Happy traveling...Hugs, livingwell
A very interesting concept. This is the first I've heard of it, but it does have a lot of logic behind it. Sort of an East meets West philosophy.
I've found two of the people from my soul group. It's been a mind blowing experience, though not always filled with happiness.
Thank you Beautiful Soul Spirit. I have never read that, please tell me where to find that story...Monster Hugs, livingwell
Thank you all for your comments. I really appreciate your words and time. Many Blessings, livingwell
I have sent you a pm with some links to the story of the cavern or cave angel. The first time I heard of it was in a novel called Prince Ombre by Roderick McLeish. Upon further investigation, I found it is from the Jewish tradition.
I have read this too and don't know if I believe it .. I certainly dont rule it out as a possibility
I have read this many times. i do believe we come with a purpose. thank you for the insight!
The Zohar makes it very plain that we return over and over while most who proclaim to Judeo -Christian beliefs seem to discount the possibility.
I am aware of at least 3 other visits....... hopefully I can get it right soon.
Everyone has to tell it their way, too! HUGS, livingwell
Thanks Elf..I so glad you read this. YAY!! YAY!! Hugs, LW
definitely food for thought. i really liked this post.
greatly written, agree with most of what you wrote....
Thank you. HUGS, livingwell
Its been a negative view Generally from a cursed blessimg as well.

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