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romantic relationship problems

im in a relationship with someone. shes so sweet and absolutely lovable but i always tend to feel like we arent “made” for each other. sometimes, i cant help but feel those goofy butterflies but sometimes, they go away. theyre just gone, and that scares me. im scared if my feelings for her arent real, and if they arent, i dont know how to approach her. im afraid of breaking her heart.
Glassysky · 26-30, M
Thats the thing with you women.
Incosistency, feelings change like seasons, no commitment or anything.

You just like the idea of a relationship.
[image deleted]
boombox · F
@Glassysky HELP that was actually pretty funny 🤓
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Would you be comfortable elaborating? After a few months, it’s normal to not feel twitterpated all the time, but it’s also worth looking at.

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