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Just a little rant about my marriage parntsr

To begin this rant is not to say anything bad about my wife, I love her so much but I told her I wanted a little drink, not to get drunk or buzz. I just wanted to try a wine I haven't tried and in my past living with her mother I couldn't drink and she always made me feel awful about it and I started having severe panic attacks but right now we are in a good situation so I decided to try a little glass of wine and everything was good. Then randomly my wife decided to talk about financial situation because our toddler is turning 3 in a week. I told her I didn't want to talk about that right now, that I just had a wine glass and I will be okay to talk about it in a little bit but she kept pushing me and I was just trying to calm her down so I wouldn't have a panic attack because those are horrible but she got really frustrated so I tried hugging her but that wasn't working so I thought I could give her some space so I did then she started to throw things while I was our of the room so I rushed into the room to see if our child is okay, but my wife glared at me and is laying down now. All I wanted was time to talk about it. I told her I couldn't talk about it. But right now I'm shaking and crying. She said it was okay for me to have some wine and nothing will happen but just because I didn't want to talk, she's mad at me. Yes I'm also thinking of marriage therapy but she doesn't want to . I'm just in a difficult position
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F Best Comment
This isn't ok. Not ever. Talk to her tomorrow. Ask her what the agreement is regarding conversations. And what you can and can't expect from eachother. And that you find it important to be able talking about something at a later time. And that it must be allowed to be tired /distracted/need a calm moment and to postpone the serious discussions.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Itsjustbrit no matter what she is diagnosed with. She still has the same responsibility as everyone else with or without diagnosis, to find healthy coping strategies that works in her relationship.
Itsjustbrit · 26-30, F
@Queendragonfly you are absolutely right, that also includes me too. We will talk tomorrow. Tonight I just need to focus on my breathing and put our child to bed soon..
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Itsjustbrit Yes but you did nothing wrong. You did the healthy part. You calmly communicated, you set a boundary. She just have to do her part too.

Yes take big breathes and for each time you inhale if you want, try think of a colour that fills you up. I like that breathing technique.

sree251 · 41-45, M
Your wife? You are female. What's happening here? Who fathered the child?

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