Im the produxy of a alcoholic party queen wjst do yiu rxpeft me to be? Akbett einstein or bill gates or.somrthing? I was born i the 70s ahortion eas a
I wasnt wanted but i was borin in tje 70s abortioj ead a tji ng. I coukd habe not brej jere. Would have saived me a lot.of trouble. I jidt dont gry wjat people expeft from someone like me. Wjat grewtness? Nah dude you are lufoy i made it thisnfwr. I can barrly see doing snd saying. Ut i.know wjwt inwant.tonsau my ankle is hurting bad and im sontsmn tired. Seriousoy whanyou do younexpect rriknme??? What? I wasnt born ti be wnot 5th hing. Nothing anyyhing or nothingnand anythingm ik judt xommonnstreet gr add h trad trash whonis kidiynti be tuisndwr. Fwr.f ae mfar. Why wasnt i abor redd? It was the 79s itnewentjing it eaena tjing aborti9jnwqena tjing. Whybwk i here? Indidntnwek fornthis? Whwt ak.injere?