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Ever have strange conversations with strangers?

I went for a walk in the bright sunshine day and after about a block some guy stopped me on the street and introduced himself to me. I guess I spoke at a church he was at one time and he remembered me. He was wondering when I was coming back. A block later another stranger stopped me and asked what happened to my dog. I told him that it died a few years ago. He then broke down and started crying about the loss of his dog.
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Yeah, I’ve had some back and forth with you, so that’s an enthusiastic yes 👍
Ages ago I was walking to the shops to get lunch for me and the boss who paid for it
There was this Muslim guy walking towards me looking very distressed,
He stopped right in front of me holding his belly.
He said to me that he follows the word of his god and yet he fells like he is in the belly of the beast
I didn't know what to say to him to make him feel better, I just said I hope things work out for him and we went on our way
The strangest encounter with a random stranger I have ever had
I'm usually the stranger

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