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I Admire Honesty And Sincerity

My brother and I were just sitting back, shooting the shit the other night, when the topic rolled around to LIES, or LYING. And we were discussing what the motivation for lying might be. We came to only two conclusions:

1. Protection. The "good" reason for lying is that you are trying to protect someone from some traumatic or unpleasant truth or experience. I'm not talking about "yes, you look wonderful in that dress" when she doesn't. I'm talking about 5 year old Johnny needing to know that you found his pet cat, Fluffy, torn to shreds in the neighbor's yard. Probably can skip that factoid, and just let Johnny think the cat ran off. But this is a tough call, because let's face it-- the sooner humans can adapt to the idea that things die, the better their coping skills should be later on in life. So, thinking you are protecting someone might NOT be a valid reason to lie to them. Maybe they CAN or SHOULD have to deal with it, for their own sake.

2. Getting access to something you have NO right to have. This pretty much covers EVERY situation for lying, barring the one above. It might be access to a person, goods, rewards, respect, etc. If you didn't earn it, you shouldn't have it. The lie is merely a means to an end, an attempt to take a short-cut. Maybe it's trying to avoid taking responsibility for one's actions. Maybe they think they are playing mental chess, and you are a pawn. No matter what excuse is given, the original motivation is the same.
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OkieGemini · 61-69, F
Man, I get a lot of the second type thrown at me. Too bad I'm intuitive & smarter than they think, lol
Elysian · F
Lying only causes more trouble in the end...wounds and devastates.
Peppa · 31-35, F
Manipulation... that is what this is all about in my experience. Some folk want to be ahead. The only way to do so is by tricking you with lies.

I liked your post. But I must admit I'm sure others that lie can think of an array of reasons why they lie. And given I had their mindset I'd have to agree with them too. But all it creates is confusion and misery, lack of trust.
I don't lie but I can't.imagine how stressful it must be trying to remember all the lies I've told,but if you're that skilled I'm sure you'll figure out a way to find another lie to mask that one. That somehow falls into gas lighting...
Kaitlyn · 46-50, F
Number 2 is always hurtful to people.

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