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This made me smile and…

…that’s rare for me at least.
(I really hate to copypasta spam something from Reddit but I think SW needs all the help it can get, so here goes…)

Reddit Advice 6 days old:

Boyfriend’s parents want me to call them Dr.
Advice Received
I met my boyfriend's dad and step mom last week. They're dentists. They introduced themselves to me by just their first name, but when I asked my boyfriend what I should call them, he asked his dad and his dad said to just call them "Dr. FirstName." I feel this is a bit odd considering I am not their patient, colleague, or student. For some reason, I'm okay with saying Mr. or Mrs., but Dr. is weird to me. His brother told me they referred to the step mom as Dr. FirstName for about four years, which I find bizarre. Who makes their significant other's kids call them Dr.?

I haven't brought it up to my boyfriend because it's not a big enough deal to put a strain on our relationship over, but my friends and family all find it extremely odd and pretentious of them to want to be called Dr. in a social setting. I haven't called them anything so far; I've just avoided using their names. Thanks :)
-Reddit gets all the credit I’m just saying…
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
I worked with a dentist.he often called a restaurant and told them he is a doctor and what he'll order...😁
Some make it part of their personality
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@Girlbehindthecurtain With the high suicide rates in that profession I might just overlook it lol 😝
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
@Badjujubee i studied dentistry and i fuckin' loved it....never met a depressed dentist tho🤔
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@Girlbehindthecurtain well you probably know more dentists than I do.
I respect your experience too btw
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
That's just absurd.

But I live in a country where one may address the prime minister by his, or her, given name. Only the king and his immediate family are addressed by any kind of honorific.
Different, yes. Odd, maybe. Worth making a big deal out of? Doubtful
@Badjujubee funny how I always think typing shows no emotion and I prove it. That's my honest thought on it, not really joking
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@Justafantasy I can understand what you’re saying. I think it’s just me who’s suspicious of stuff I read on the internet because of my personal previous experience with stuff like 27B/6 and the like over the years.
@Badjujubee no idea what that is
Lilymoon · F
Dentists are wannabe doctors 🤭
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@Lilymoon DDS has the word doctor in it but I totally get what you’re sayin’ 😝
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@Justafantasy oh well I could never do it justice. It must be experienced to be able to understand.
I would recommend that you read the stuff on the website
It’s written by a guy named David Thorne who has a real talent in my opinion. But again that’s all that I have is my opinion.

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