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I Like Helping People Less Fortunate

Well it's not exactly what I want to write about but I didn't know what headline to put on top.
Have you ever worked for the welfare of a very hostile tribe? For some time now I have been trying to work towards improvement of the electrical network of a village in India, consisting mainly of Muslims. It was such a rude shock when I got abuses and filthy cuss words in return for trying to do something good for them. They made it all about their religion. I don't know how they got that idea or who fed them this concept. I almost felt like crying and I wanted to hurt them real bad out of frustration. I came home and thought it out. My intentions had been good but I had not been able to make them understand. Well it's hard to make people see reason when they don't have proper education. Never have I felt this helpless before . I only wanted to help them. 😕
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TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
Hi! Just an update : Amidst much difficulty, I got the work done. 😊
Some of those who were abusive towards me last time, after understanding that what I did was for their benefit, came and apologized for their behavior, they confessed that they had been made to misunderstand things.
The satisfaction and happiness I'm feeling are beyond words. 😊☺️😊
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TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@louey well thank you 😊
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TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@louey I got the work done. Thought you should know. ☺️
Thank you for your words of encouragement and constructive inputs.
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TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@louey tbh my approach was a little different (and I must say a little scary) this time. I did all the talking with few local goons, obviously I met them through the local leader. The people were too afraid of them to open their mouth. I also came to know that some rival of the ruling party there had gone around brain-washing the people. Well once the work was done and they could see the results, everyone knew what's what.
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
I guess you were pretty lacking in education too, insomuch as you went there with not a single idea as to what the locals might think of you. Best do a little research of their issues if you ever intend to go again. Nobody appreciates uneducated foreigners dropping and automatically assuming their opinion of the locals must surely outweigh the local's opinion of them.
TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@ThePerfectUsername lol ok sir. Whatever makes you sleep well.
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
Well let's see if I can out it in language that even you can understand. If you described me as a member of "a very hostile tribe" and condescended to come and do some work that would be in my best interest I'd tell you to fuck off as well. Who exactly were they hostile to, and who the hell talks like that in the 21st century anyway? You sure it wasn't just you?
TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@ThePerfectUsername yes it was just me.
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
"Well it's hard to make people see reason when they don't have proper education."

That's the basic problem. Don't blame yourself.
TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@TheConstantGardener I wish I knew a way around.
Silverwings · 70-79, F
@TheIncredibleHulka I know some orphanages in Africa that would love to have your help?
midnightsun · 26-30, M
Village in India hahaha

TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@midnightsun well they need someone who can show them the right way.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
@TheIncredibleHulka yeah. Villages still live in the Old culture. They are uneducated too

Like a woman should stay at home and cook food ...shit like that
TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
Important thing to carry with you is that your intentions were good from the very start here :)
xixgun · M
Next time push for electricity for Native Americans, they don’t have it either and they won’t treat you like shit

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