I believe God's message of hope to us this season, is this...
"Take heart; you do not walk this path alone. I am not at a distance, nor helpless at your problems and losses. You are my heart, and I will always love you, be with you, and be for you.
Believe, though you have not yet seen, and your faith shall be rewarded openly, by what you shall see and experience in the future, kept under my everlasting promises. Never lose hope. I am your Hope.
Come to Me in prayer, all that are heavily burdened, and I shall give you rest. Nothing, and no one in this world, can provide you the promises, I give you. There is nothing too difficult or so hard in your life, that I cannot help you handle, and guide you through.
All are equal at the cross and there's always room for you. I turn no one away."
Believe, though you have not yet seen, and your faith shall be rewarded openly, by what you shall see and experience in the future, kept under my everlasting promises. Never lose hope. I am your Hope.
Come to Me in prayer, all that are heavily burdened, and I shall give you rest. Nothing, and no one in this world, can provide you the promises, I give you. There is nothing too difficult or so hard in your life, that I cannot help you handle, and guide you through.
All are equal at the cross and there's always room for you. I turn no one away."