It is nice to belong to something. Baby boomers aren't bad folks, mostly. I think as a society we spend far too much time with labels. We want to label age, race, gender, and origin. We then define rules for each label and if someone doesn't fit any labels all hell breaks loose. Wouldn't it be nice if we were just people? Sure I understand that certain age groups have common things in their background, like music etc. My group all know where we were when Kennedy was assassinated. That was a defining moment for a whole generation. I watched man walk on the moon for the first time on a little round corner black and white TV. We had riots that made Ferguson MO look like a church social. When I was a small boy I listened to my great grandfather tell stories about HIS generation. He was born in the late 1800s and boy did he have some stories. He gave me a lot of advice. I just wish I had listened to it. He did teach me that we all make plans and we think we have plenty of time. Believe me, there is never enough time. Whatever generation you fit in, LIVE every day.