I discovered years ago, that what attracts a man to a woman or vice versa, is NEVER the reason that keeps them together long term. Physical beauty fades eventually....but the PERSON you see with your minds eye, your heart, is what you end up with. This mindset helps me appreciate MORE the physical that I may not be attracted too. During the Victorian Age, if a woman wasn't 250+ pounds she wasn't considered attractive! My point is, considering beauty as PART of attraction is a matter of perspective. In my humble opinion, choosing a woman just for her looks is juvenile and immature. This understanding is something I aquired from experience working as an escort in Amsterdam. Allowing a woman to be SOVEREIGN is what she truly wants. Instead, she has too continually adjust her true appearance to suit the customs, and traditions of MEN everytime she steps out into public. I have five daughter's who are exceptionally beautiful in appearance, however, I taught them to never allow men to choose them for that reason. There are ways of knowing. And, to never waste there time on BOYS in Men's bodies. The inner appearance lasts forever. That's what I care about. What makes an older woman more attractive is not sex her elegance nor her strength nor her brilliant intelligence but her open heart. A young woman will give you butterflies yes but an older woman will give you eagles with wings strong enough to cause a hurricane every time you take a breath in her presence. A young woman will make you smile an older woman will make your tongue twist and contort because you have no words to describe how she looks at you with experience and a knowing. A young woman will come over to your house and help you clean up your kitchen an older woman will come into your life and clean up your credit. A young woman will ask you to do some shit like have sex with her make love to her but an older woman will take off all her insecurities leave her pride on your pillows then let you have your way with her. A young woman will compliment you on your clothes or your looks an older woman will come into your life and compliment your whole existence. When a young woman is introduced to the family for the first time it goes something like this: this is my girlfriend..but when you introduce an older woman it's like she is the reason I can sleep at night she is the reason my heart can beat like a bass drum but sound like a violin! An older woman is a career a younger woman is just jobs strung together to try and piece a real woman together. An older woman will make love to you before she ever takes off her clothes.... days, weeks, in advance.
Men are visual creatures in essence. Unless he has spent considerable effort refining himself he will forever be an adolescent. All of these descriptions above are human mind constructs. Some of them display elegance, and others are merely a preference, of which everyone has a right too. Will a man find a woman who pleases him? Sure. Any woman can do that. It's a mindset, him and her must occupy. Like monogamy. It's an illusion built and based on traditions, customs, and religion. Anytime a man struggles with his own natural identity he will never be satisfied.
Gender roles are human mind constructs!
Men are visual creatures in essence. Unless he has spent considerable effort refining himself he will forever be an adolescent. All of these descriptions above are human mind constructs. Some of them display elegance, and others are merely a preference, of which everyone has a right too. Will a man find a woman who pleases him? Sure. Any woman can do that. It's a mindset, him and her must occupy. Like monogamy. It's an illusion built and based on traditions, customs, and religion. Anytime a man struggles with his own natural identity he will never be satisfied.
Gender roles are human mind constructs!
BlueVeins · 22-25
I don't really agree with this list at all, but it's very possible to find a woman like that. There's nothing wrong with having a specific 'type' and stuff, but if you hold your partner to high standards, you should expect to be held to high standards, yourself.
lasergraph · 70-79, M
Expectation is the biggest cancer on modern relationships. More fights originate over what someone didn't do than over what they actually did.
@lasergraph Bingo!!
Well said.
Well said.
Anopenheart · 51-55, M
This list is not healthy if you think this is what you should be for someone else.. especially "listen to men".. gosh. is he that insecure and clueless? if a woman , or man, can't challenge their partner then you have a disfunctional relationship
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Anopenheart See, that entry is particularly ambiguous in a destructive way. On one hand, listening is a huge component of any relationship and needs to be done both ways, but the way he specifies "to men" makes it sound like more of an OBEY type of message.
Anopenheart · 51-55, M
exactly.. she seems to think that listening means agreeing so he feels good about himself.. @BlueVeins
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
He will absolutely find a woman to please him; however, in a turn of events, he will not please her and she will bleed him dry, move on, and find a great guy to love her...flaws and all!
Budwick · 70-79, M

Anopenheart · 51-55, M
first of all define traditional. how far back to you want to go in your traditions? back in the 1960s when women couldn't get a bank account or loan without their husbands approval?
Repete · 61-69, M
Some of those things may help get started . But in my opinion 2 things come to mind 1 beauty comes from the inside of a woman or man.
2 as long as man or woman doesn't compare real life to porn sites and build expectations it can work. Fantasyland may be a nice place to visit but stay in the real world. Again just my opinion.
2 as long as man or woman doesn't compare real life to porn sites and build expectations it can work. Fantasyland may be a nice place to visit but stay in the real world. Again just my opinion.
Donna15 · 41-45, F
xixgun · M
There’s no such thing as a “perfect man” (or woman). Best you can hope for is a good one.
Strictgram · 70-79, C
Been waiting to hear from you, please write.