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men never grow up in some sense
they like to be taken care off
men are way more needy than women
adshaw · 36-40, M
Have you ever thought of being a comedienne?
TheletterA · 22-25, M
Idk what planet of men u talking about but i aint needy first off.
ALL men ? There aren't any women that "never grow up" or "like being taken care "OF"? And surly there aren't ANY, NONE, IMPOSSIBLE, "needy women". No woman EVER compares their partner to their perfect DADDY? That... is... hilarious ! LMAO. (sarcasm)

Jonno01 · 61-69, M
I am not sure that is true. I know we split responsibilities, I would hate to be reliant on her for everything and besides I don't think she would do it. We both do things to run the household, we both work so we both have input.

I would hope she would say something and not be a meek little mouse, that's not the person I married

I do like to be made to feel special, who doesn't but I try to do the same for her (because she is to me).
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
It's definitely not true of all men. In all fairness some women just want to be taken care of.
twistermind · 51-55, F
I think some men wants a mother, like some women look for a dad in their relationships but I don't think it could be apply to majority.
I think that what happens is that men are different to us in many senses biological but also cultural) and they expect to find some caracteristics " typical" of a woman.
adshaw · 36-40, M
No, that's not true, it's just an excuse used by women who are enablers to justify their current unhappy predicament. Men do want certain qualities their mother possesses in a girlfriend/wife but these are not specifically maternal.
QueenOfSmiles · 46-50, F
I personally made it quite clear, that if he were looking to marry someone like his mother...he would be sorely disappointed. She is incredibly sweet, but a terrific gardener, seamstress...and housewife. None of those are my strengths! 😊
Some men need a mother, some women need a dad. The lucky people need only themselves, but love the company of others. Their spouse, children, other relatives and friends. I think it's better to want than need. That's just me.
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TheletterA · 22-25, M

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