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I Am Fascinated By Human Behavior

"Flying Monkeys"....A term used to denote those who aid and assist abusers.

To my brothers and sisters who have had their lives stolen from them by abusive parents, you have my utmost sympathy and respect. You have earned it, unlike the parents who caused such pain. We didn't do anything to deserve such pain and the flying monkey's persist in trying to hinder our healing as they will not let us speak our truth. If we dare speak ill of the abuse they love to chastise us, with "They are your parents". They fear looking within themselves and discovering their lack of empathy they fear the truth that is: Respect not freely given it is earned!

Avoid the temptation of trying to convince them of anything. They are just as bad as the abuser and they refuse to learn. In the end you will have gained nothing and lost steps on your road to recovery. All as we have is determination to heal and in doing so the abusers lose as was the goal to destroy us will have failed.

Healing is a difficult and slow process, don't let the flying monkey's set you back. We must take back what was stolen from us and leave the abusers and flying monkey's to deal with each other.

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Quimliqer · 70-79, M
A sad story with a powerful outcome..
Peaches · F
I can totally relate to all you've said here. 😔Society has also said we must all love and respect our parents...but it doesn't tell us what to do when parents are abusing their own children?! The best thing I ever did for myself was cut them out of my life. I love the analogy "flying monkeys" and can't help but think of The Wizard Of Oz.😁The flying monkeys were always helping the wicked witch, haha!🙉🙈🙊
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
I hear that term mostly to those who aid and abet narcissists specifically, the term coming from The Wizard of Oz. FMs can be anyone, including other family members.

I have an intense dislike for all of those mentioned.

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