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I Am Fascinated By Human Behavior

There was once a beloved king whose castle was on a high hill, overlooking his shire. He was so popular that the nearby townspeople sent him gifts daily, and his birthday celebration was enjoyed throughout the kingdom. The people loved him for his renowned wisdom and fair judgments. One day, tragedy struck the town. The water supply was polluted, and every man, woman, and child went insane. Only the king, who had a private spring, was spared. Soon after the tragedy, the mad townspeople began speaking of how the king was
acting "strangely" and how his judgments were poor and his wisdom a sham. Many even went so far as to say that the king had gone crazy. His popularity soon vanished. No longer did the people bring him gifts or celebrate his birthday. The lonely king, high on the hill, had no company at all. One day he decided to leave the hill and pay a visit to the town. It was a warm day, and so he drank from the village fountain. That night there was a great celebration. The people all rejoiced, for their beloved king had "regained his sanity.

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That reminds me of an Arabic saying "the crazies are in bliss/paradise" and there's an Egyptian 60s movie of the same name, a comedy movie where a sane man is accused of insanity and is forced to live in a mental institution and in there he finds out that the insane are living their best lives, they don't even lie, steal or deceive each other and at the end of the movie when his time is done he ends up choosing to live in the mental institution instead of living in real life.
ThePerfectUsername · 70-79, M
That's a gorgeous motivational image you put with it. :-)
Longtokiss · 56-60, M
Oh my this is where our country is headed.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
King David. King Cyrus....Donald Trump

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