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If I handcuffed you, where should I leave you? 馃攽

sighmeupforthat46-50, M
wouldn't matter.. most cases where one is cuffed the application is 'removable'.

unless you have cuffs galore onto more cuffs and cuffs with cuffs and locked in some safe deposit box repository...
toddr1346-50, M
Hmm...that would depend upon where I was when handcuffed and why I was handcuffed.
JarJarBoom41-45, F
At Disneyland
JarJarBoom41-45, F
@Majorlatency: I'm so glad they are observant for those fetish people, Diaper people need to be in the back of "Thunder Canyon"
elVato46-50, M
@JarJarBoom: Diaper people? It's seriously come to this?
*shakes head*
@JarJarBoom: I never thought of diaper people.. They likely are limited to Fantasy Land and a new ride that takes the place of "It's a small world" called "It's a large load"
At Aiyana's house I'm sure she'd know exactly what to do
goagainsttheflow26-30, F
In a junk yard, hidden in all the trash, lifeless.
I think that would kinda defeat the purpose of the handcuffs...
theMeggyD22-25, F
Dublin (but not Ballymun or Summer Hill)
Gigi7446-50, F
In my bed so I can sleep all day.... skip work!
Thegreateast31-35, M
Idc as long as it ain't at work
I'm not into that shit
Newandimproved61-69, M
Well done
Subsumedpat36-40, M
In your bedroom
A locksmith shop
Take me to the church.
dont think so
Finerthings56-60, M
A bordello
Newandimproved61-69, M
Same place as last time would be fine.
Spread eagle on your bed! Lol
Ferrari2131-35, M
In your bedroom.
Security room
uncalled456-60, M
A warehouse full of pepper. I like to sneeze.

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