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Always Good To Help, Right?

Shopping this morning. Like you do.

The entrance to our shopping centre, the main doors, have a set that opens automatically and then , like, 3 sets that you need a little manual pushing.

This lady behind me. Obviously up early, done her shit already. Bunch of bags on each arm, pushing a push chair and then a tiny human ((C) Flic Davenport '25) by her side. She couldn't open the door, so I opened and stood by the side as the procession of humanity and industry and Consumerism passed.

"Thanks Luv" she said.

Very nice.

Clip clopped in my big heels to Sainsbo's - the supermarket of choice - and get my basket of goodies. In one of the isles there's this little old lady on a mobility scooter (I want one!!!!) and she couldn't get up and reach the pasta, so I got some down for her. We briefly chatted. Called me a lovely young lady. Asked if I was married....

Oh, if only she knew! Lol!

So, those were my good deeds for the day!

Ashleighrox · 31-35, F
Spreading good amongst the world full of people who would have just walked by.
Keep it up girl!
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Thanks alot for helping them. You have a wonderful day there. God Bless You Always!🤗🤗
arthurca · M
It's always good to be courteous and kind to others.
Good job, Flic.
ReneeT · 61-69, F
I wish that there were more people who would help out anyone like that. Nice to hear
FelicityDavenport · 26-30, F
@ReneeT Thanks! Least I could do, right?
Kindness costs nothing yet means more than you realize to some people. Good for you. I'll give you a shout next time I'm in Sainsbo's Supermarket.
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
I might ask you to reach something on a bottom shelf for me then..bad back,ahem 🧐👀😋🤤...

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