Bashful · 41-45, M
That's a harsh punishment for someone who just doesn't know Jesus. The God I worship is not like that.
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Bashful · 41-45, M
@Kellieca You have a lot to learn about the bible and God. Look beyond the words at the deeper meaning behind them. It was a Felix culpa, or happy fault. They weren't supposed to, but they had. And with that, I leave you alone because you can't learn what you refuse to understand.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
If you believe in Jesus that much , you shouldn't be afraid cause you know you can trust in Him .
The Old Testament is very harsh teachings which I dont agree with , but the New Testament is a beautiful teaching which is more gentle .
I believe in the Devil and hell but I'm afraid of thinking that way cause I'd loose weight over fear of it .
I also believe in Heaven, love and all of that stuff but I have to watch that also .
You have a good heart at interest
The Old Testament is very harsh teachings which I dont agree with , but the New Testament is a beautiful teaching which is more gentle .
I believe in the Devil and hell but I'm afraid of thinking that way cause I'd loose weight over fear of it .
I also believe in Heaven, love and all of that stuff but I have to watch that also .
You have a good heart at interest
Kellieca · 26-30, F
@riseofthemachine my friend some only want to believe and accept whatever sounds good to them.the bible from beginning to end is truth.amen
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@Kellieca your too young to get up in all religious beliefs , trust me . I nearly went off my game from it . Take things simple kellieca
Sazzio · 36-40, M
Do u meditate everyday with focus (mind doesn't wander), do u study the Bible to follow God's word? Is the 10 commandment indoctrined in your daily life and all affairs???
If not start with 10 mins meditation with a full focus. Study Bible and see how u can follow God's word, bit by bit everyday. U will feel the nectar within yourself in a month! GUARANTEED!
Good luck, God bless.
If not start with 10 mins meditation with a full focus. Study Bible and see how u can follow God's word, bit by bit everyday. U will feel the nectar within yourself in a month! GUARANTEED!
Good luck, God bless.
HeteroDox · 41-45, F
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand block the Indoc successful.
tinytin1234 · 18-21, M
Amen to that
english · 56-60, M
is that jesus from the old the country your talking about? ask him if wants any of these magic beans i have, 🙃
Why are u crying
Kellieca · 26-30, F
@TimingQuasars I don't want you to go to hell.please don't end up there friends
@Kellieca calm down
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
According to the bible the "hell" which you're referring to isn't an actual place. It's symbolism for a state of being, and it's described as non-existence. When you die, you'll go back to what it was like before you were born. Non-existent. God does not threaten people with eternal torture, he instead tells you that there's hope to be found, and that if you choose him then you're going to be a winner.
Kellieca · 26-30, F
@MartinTheFirst yes friend there is a punishment for sin just as with adam and eve that's how we are all here today. We send ourselves to hell if we disobey. If we choose Christ we are indeed winners

I wanna go to hell, sounds like an interesting time.
Kellieca · 26-30, F
@SW-User no my friend it is torture and eternal I will write a post about it and you will learn what it's like . Stayed tuned my friend? Ok?

@Kellieca Imma go there. It gonna be lit.
Kellieca · 26-30, F
@SW-User yes my friend it will be lit in fire.we don't want you to go I know it sounds fun to joke but that place is no joke. Please I love you and Jesus loves you too much. Live for Christ so we can see each other in heaven. Be blessed my good friend.
faithfulhusband · C
now the troll is too obv
JovialPlutonian · 36-40, M
There’s no such thing as hell, Christianity just made it up to control it’s followers