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Cynthia · F
This is both stupid and immature. Provide one hard real-life example of xenophobia. Crticising the Chinese government for their attempt to cover up, or restricting flights from China are NOT examples of Xenophobia. They are rational responses to a difficult international situation

Grow up.
@Cynthia This has nothing to do with criticizing the Chinese government. You don't go through Xenophobia, so please shut your pie hole.
BalmyNites · F
@Cynthia [youtube=]

There you go, this is just the tip of the iceberg - now YOU grow up!

poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
let me at ‘em, i’ll get them to shut up😡
@poisonouscupcake Kill 'em with your knife.
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
@SW-User you don’t have to tell me twice😈
@poisonouscupcake That's my girl 💗
Someone of Chinese descent was assaulted in Birmingham (UK) at the weekend and told to take her disease home.I believe she was knocked out.
There are some idiots around
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
@TheSirfurryanimalWales It was the Chinese girls Indian friend who was knocked out trying to defend her - very sad reflection on society today.
@Dlrannie it is.
@TheSirfurryanimalWales That’s very sad indeed 😕
This is really sad :( It looks like it's turning into a pandemic so all countries will have it. The latest i read was that most under the age of 60 will only experience it like a bad cold unless they have underlying health issues which weaken their immune systems. Those over 60 are the ones most vulnerable and at risk. Many people in all countries will eventually become carriers so people need to think smart and not be hateful.
@SW-User My sister in law was an anti vaxxer. Her and i had a huge argument last year about it.. i was really worried her kids weren't getting vaccinated. Anyway she got the flu last august - influenza B and was sitting in the lounge with her kids and my brother, and was looking pale all morning. Then around lunch time she started coughing up blood and just fell over and died. Her kids are truamatised over it and my brother is still a mess. I think the anti vaxxers don't think about the effects it can have on immediate families if they're wrong.
@SW-User That’s tragic :( Although I don’t agree with her point of view, I wish she hadn’t had to pay such a price for her controversial belief.
@SW-User Yeah, my feelings too!
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
Bastards racist are assholes and should go take a flying leap off a cliff
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
@SW-User 😁 and if they don't want to jump they get a push off
@GeorgeTBH Lol I'd sign up for that job
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
@SW-User it would be a good job
SoLeRiMix · 31-35, M
Check this video and you'll understand how did Chinese became prone to 'Coronavirus':


This is not the sole reason for the wide-spread of this epidemic but such adulteration is an invitation to all types of virus and bacteria!

China may have become strong economically but it is known to world that some Chinese food joint aren't hygienic at all!

SoLeRiMix · 31-35, M
@SW-User By the way, I like your country!

It is beautiful!

@SoLeRiMix I agree with the saying. I’m glad you find my country beautiful.
SoLeRiMix · 31-35, M
@SW-User 🙂
TexChik · F
@cherokeepatti yep I wonder if we will ever know the truth
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TexChik I believe the Deep State helps keep the Commies in power. And their agenda is to reduce the population of earth by 90%.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
@cherokeepatti hhhmmm The deep state don't want Bernie to win the Democratic Nomination but helping Commies? I don't know but they do have the same interest of course. reduce Population. it's the only way to control the small population in order to reach the New World Order but it's not gonna happen. It will only happen by one Man and I don't think he's born yet but close.
I adore you, does that mean I'm good?
@SW-User Wicked
@SW-User White people love to burn shit, even when they're dead.
@SW-User Lmao
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Do you mean like avoiding chinese people because of the virus?
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@SW-User Yeah It seems suspicious because of the way the government was punishing whistleblowers and trying to keep people quiet. I'm not in either camp atm but who knows at this point. I'm pretty sure a microbiologist confirmed it wasn't man-made but it was definitely unusual or rare to occur in nature. So theres a lot of possibilities atm.
@Ryannnnnn Meanwhile, people shouldn't allow it to bring out the worst in them, in my opinion.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@SW-User Agreed 🙂

There was a news story here that some people are saying they won't buy tickets to the Shen Yun show because the dancers are Chinese....

News flash:
The Shen Yun dancers are banned in China and are based in New York.
@Threepio That's just sad. They must assume all Chinese carry coronavirus.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
People are ignorant.... they need to die... where’s that hot oil and pan you once showed me?
@Spokeskitties75 Ouch!!!! Poor boy! 🤣
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
@SW-User hey... he stopped running 🤷‍♂️
@Spokeskitties75 😆 You sadist
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
10% of the world’s population is now under quarantine.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@cherokeepatti Seems a bit high... Where did you find that figure?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Quizzical Considering the population of Chinese cities it is not high, now add Italy and Iran
Who the hell is being like this?
@SW-User WTF?!!!!!!!!!!
@SW-User Yeah, I had a face palm moment too.
@SW-User ugh... just ugh
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
The Chinese restaurants and Chinatowns in Australia are doing it tough. Reports of business down by 60%. The reason being scaremongering due to the Coronavirus. I am not sure it is because of bigotry or prejudice. However when people get scared sometimes xenophobic attitudes come to the fore.
@KiwiBird That's understandable, but some people have taken it too far, calling all Chinese dog eaters, so they get the virus. That's ignorant, unnecessary and comes from xenophobia.
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@SW-User I agree with you...have seen plenty of social media comments. Even my friends in Bali are doing it tough.
@KiwiBird My Chinese friends are facing the same situation. Even I, as an Asian, get stares when I cough in public.

Crises need calm heads, not fear-mongering and finger pointing.

True, but the fact is that the novel coronavirus seems to have a mortality rate around 2% (, whereas the current WHO statistics indicate around 50% for ebola (

So ebola is a lot more likely to kill you, and from a microscopic organism.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Sad thing is that the virus is racist, it hits those with O-Han genotype the hardest.
@cherokeepatti Damn...I’m the third one from the top.
Exactly! There’s a difference between the Chinese government and the people
@SW-User 👍👍👍
Lostpoet · M
Coronavirous is going to die down soon. It's just like how they scared everyone with swine flue.
@Quizzical Lol The Bubonic plague would've been quite a magnificent sight to see as well.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@SW-User True, lol 😂 🤗
@Quizzical 🤗
To people who wish to be xenophobic one excuse is as good as another.
Point me to them! I'll slap their face off!
@latinbutterfly I'll join you lmao
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@Reject They do. And in this case they also act racist when they're scared, which is unjustifiable.
Reject · 26-30, M
@SW-User There were indeed some racist remarks in that. The two I saw were saying that Chinese people are disgusting or that they deserve the virus. Those were more about race for sure. It’s a thin line, and I still feel most of them are just scared, and those who truly are racist about it are in the minority. I’m only stressing this difference because I feel people use the word racism much too loosely nowadays. In those extreme cases though, it absolutely applies. I agree, unjustifiable.
@Reject I can promise you I'm not one to call others racist on a regular basis. But when I see a racist, I know it's a racist.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
Are you seeing that?
@sarabee1995 Right on SW, but I'm not surprised.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@SW-User Oh! I didn't see any of that on my feed, but I keep mine filtered. Sorry you're experiencing that.
@sarabee1995 Thanks! I think it's good to keep yours filtered. It saves you some of the hassle.
I've seen comments like that on social media, with people saying we need to avoid chinese people in our community... none of which have virus.
The virus doesn't discriminate which is something we can learn from.
@SW-User It's just ignorance, seriously. Ever since the outbreak, I've seen an increase in questions like "Are chinese dog eaters?" and comments like "That's why they have the virus."
@SW-User Ugh, yes i've seen comments like that too 🙁😖
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
The coronavirus is a very serious matter. You have a couple of cruise ships docked in Asian ports under full quarantine. Anyone coming into the country from China are taken to US military bases for full examination. Being prejudice against Asians will only make matters worse.
that's just sad. 😔
Im chinese.. And its annoying when people are racist to chinese calling them sick. I heard that the japanese used to call chinese sick men idk why though
@TimingQuasars That's sick.
HannahSky · F
People use any excuse to spew their racist shit.
HannahSky · F
@SW-User I'm glad you brought attention to this Alex.
@HannahSky I'm sure I get a lot of hate from it, but I have zero fucks to give.
HannahSky · F
@SW-User 😎 right on
ancientmariner · 61-69, M
Where did this come from? I'm sick of people calling other people racist. That has become a go to word for the idiot left.
@ancientmariner I don't call people racist unless I have a good reason. It's been happening, and I guess you just don't know.

english · 56-60, M
all these terms will become null and void when we are forced under one umbrella , 😕
@english That'll be when you start fearing that anyone can carry the virus.
english · 56-60, M
@SW-User i was talking about the pandemic ,this is just a trial testing the water, ............😕 cheers for sharing
@english Thanks
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
That's why I'm waiting for the coronavirus to end to be racist, like a normal person!
Whaatt? Who! Cuz thats terrible >:|
@TryingtoLava It is. And I can't believe some people actually are against this post.
@SW-User peeps are legit that dumb! Isnt it scary to see?
@TryingtoLava Yes, it is, and just as sad.
People are saying that?
@SW-User Not specifically, but their reason is always "the coronavirus"
@SW-User it’s not worth listening to what some people have to say
@SW-User Yeah I keep telling myself that.
User41 · 36-40, M
*Covers face*

*hands you a mask*

@User41 Lol
SirAhmed · 31-35, M
I have nothing against anyone but for the love of god kindly stop eating every living creature with all respect and love and may we all go through this safely and one piece
@SirAhmed Nah chicken is good, dawg
SirAhmed · 31-35, M
@SW-User I mean I absolutely don’t mind chickens but other exotic creatures it’s kinda odd lol
@SirAhmed Lol Yeah, I agree.
I hate Asians 😡

I am Asian 😐️
@BeefySenpie Yes, Asians do discriminate against each other too lmao
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
100% right 👍🏻
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@IstillmissEP can't even spell them.....

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it is what it is, people to avoided and now you know who they are. It's nice when they come right up to you and introduce themselves like that
@Ursamajor I understand that they're scared, but some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths basically screams "racism," not "fear" at all.
Ursamajor · 46-50, F
@SW-User They lack discernment. Or/and are racists yes maybe. Probably some of them.
@Ursamajor I don't like calling people racist, but I know a racist when I see one.

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