MaryJanine · 70-79, F
Nina - cute they are, but Huskies are very independent and strong-willed dogs. They need more exercise than you might be able to give them, and if they get out and run away, they can go faster and further than you can.
Shina · 18-21, F
@MaryJanine ohh ok
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@Shina Remember - they are sled dogs. They are BUILT to run. And Painful Truth means their hair comes out when he says "shed".
Shina · 18-21, F
@MaryJanine oh ;(
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Shina · 18-21, F
@PainfulTruth wdym shed?
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Shina · 18-21, F
@PainfulTruth oh k
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Pros. Great family pet and really healthy.
Cons. They're whiny and spoiled
Cons. They're whiny and spoiled
Shina · 18-21, F
@FreestyleArt haha lol thx