ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
I think if you move to a country you should learn the language. If I moved to France or Spain or Italy or Japan, I'd learn the language of my new country. It's a respectful thing to do. Having said that, no one should tell someone else what language to speak. I don't think ruining your life over it is the answer, but it's your life.

@ChampagneOnIce When I lived in non-English-speaking countries, I did learn the language, but I still used English with my family and other English-speakers, why wouldn't I?
ChampagneOnIce · 51-55, F
@SW-User Of course. I think that's what many people do.
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Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
If you live in an English speaking country then its considered rude to jabber away in another language around people who don't understand .So before you get on your high horse try considering others .You wouldn't like being made to feel like a foreigner in your own country .

@Rhodesianman it's only considered rude to bigots
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
@SW-User No it isn't its bad manners and inconsiderate and only people who don't have any consideration for other people would make the comment you made .

@Rhodesianman I don't have any consideration for bigots, that is correct.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Is she here legally?
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
I think asking someone "do u speak english" is a whole lot different than someone demanding the person to "speak english" cos telling someone to do THAT is unnecessary and rude.
dinonuggies · 100+, M
that’s unnecessary but okay sure ruin your life and her life lol
@NoSugarCoating I see you like to wear the title, don’t.
NoSugarCoating · 26-30, F
Ok? @VomitingWords
dinonuggies · 100+, M
Idk what u went through but how you’re acting is immature. And you’re angry you’re making poor decisions because you’re angry. Bc of that you lost before you started@NoSugarCoating
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
who says that?

Just cut them up with words, if you use them right you can make it hurt way more than fists ever could.
Gouzi · 26-30, M
They don't tell me to speak Chinese in China. Although, i do speak Chinese in China - not very well. I think its rude too.
Don’t assault anyone but do use your words. Be the better person, because shit like that is totally unnecessary.
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@ReganMcNeil u malnourished sheep
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
@VomitingWords lol funny insult. Meh h🐑
Like2play · M
She should learn English if she is living in the us that is just a fact. @VomitingWords
Elegy · 46-50
Stupid thing to go to jail for, you could just tell them to shut the fuck up. That's just my opinion though.

I'm sure that your mom knows for herself when and if she needs to speak English. She doesn't need to be told by some cunt.