sgrizzo48 · 31-35, M
Seems decent if you ask me
xixgun · M
3 day work week
No apartment rental will be more than $600 a month.
"Minimum delivery charge" will be abolished.
Congress shall punch in on a timeclock and be subject to regular and random drug testing.
Term limits of 2 terms (8 years) maximum for any elected office in this country.
No apartment rental will be more than $600 a month.
"Minimum delivery charge" will be abolished.
Congress shall punch in on a timeclock and be subject to regular and random drug testing.
Term limits of 2 terms (8 years) maximum for any elected office in this country.
Platoscave · F
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
We’d have a place to take naps after eating lunch...a little nap is energizing for afternoon work.
kayoshin · 41-45, M
Regular people do rule the world. Whenever a regular person gets some power they get corrupted either by temptation or by their own good intentions requiring compromise to achieve in a Imperfect world. When Royalty ruled the world people believed democracy would solve all problems and divided power could corrupt less, it just went on to prove power can corrupt as many people at the same time as it is handed to.
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kayoshin · 41-45, M
I didn't mean any disrespect, I just found your arguments unconvincing from my POV but I didn't mean my counterpoints as personal offenses.
Platoscave · F
@kayoshin By deliberate DESIGN most people still think like you.
kayoshin · 41-45, M
I know people's minds are easily influenced and I have no doubt that if they needed to be convinced of my point of view they would, however I disagree with you again, people get into the "destroy the class system" mindset all the time so the design must be really flawed or it simply doesn't exist, revolutions and insurrections happen all the time then people realize they don't have the capability nor the willingness to care for all the problems of the population and they'd rather have someone else handle the global issues while they focus on the personal ones.
The other issue is you believe that my philosophy is heavily influenced by others when my general mindset is based on small scale observation and I take all unverifiable information as potentially false, you could have noticed that if you read carefully one of my previous replies where i tied my philosophy to observing people ascend trough the economic or social ranks and noted how it changed them. you proposed a couple of society models that work, i offer you a counter proposal: social media. Ruled by the people with close to zero interference from "the law". I'm afraid that your utopia ruled by the people would basically be "real life Facebook where how many friends and how you are percieved matters more than your contributions to society or rights" (remember how Facebook didn't have that many rules now it has increasing more of them? That inevitably happens because you can't leave human nature unchecked.
The other issue is you believe that my philosophy is heavily influenced by others when my general mindset is based on small scale observation and I take all unverifiable information as potentially false, you could have noticed that if you read carefully one of my previous replies where i tied my philosophy to observing people ascend trough the economic or social ranks and noted how it changed them. you proposed a couple of society models that work, i offer you a counter proposal: social media. Ruled by the people with close to zero interference from "the law". I'm afraid that your utopia ruled by the people would basically be "real life Facebook where how many friends and how you are percieved matters more than your contributions to society or rights" (remember how Facebook didn't have that many rules now it has increasing more of them? That inevitably happens because you can't leave human nature unchecked.
Platoscave · F
Richard Wolff thinks we can and should do it. He's on you tube too heh!
Platoscave · F
TY very much Patti!
And you too Burnley!
And you too Burnley!
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
3 day weekends for typical non service industry workers, 6-8 hr work days max, paid hour long lunch break included IN that time.

Well 1. We wouldn't be pissing our pants at work

I'm too greedy to control