It was me, I spent it all to have youTube closed down for a little while though
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ShepherdBard · 31-35, M
@Peaceful That time should have inspired others to rally and help them out
ShepherdBard · 31-35, M
@TAReturns Lol
Peaceful · F
@ShepherdBard that's what's wrong with this world 😭
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
I'm not even sure. I bought a lottery ticket for my mom but she hasn't told me anything, yet.
TAReturns · M
Sigh three tickets later I am STILL not a billionaire 😕
TAReturns · M
It's now 1.6 BILLION.
Peaceful · F
What were the numbers?

Me. 😏
Goralski · 56-60, M