texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
yes as long i say it i will keep my word...not wise to assume though
Minime · F
@texasdaddydom Good to know.
texasdaddydom · 56-60, M
@Minime would only actually apply if you were to interact with me
Minime · F
@texasdaddydom True.

Without question.
Minime · F
@SW-User Nice.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
It depends I guess

By some people.
Minime · F
@SW-User Me too.

Minime · F
@SW-User Very nice.


I can't trust myself
Minime · F
@SW-User ditto
VolpeTredici · 31-35, M
I have a few trusted networks. If that's what you need. They're costly though.
VolpeTredici · 31-35, M
@VolpeTredici Aw, you edited it. My answer doesn't even make sense now.
Anyway, some can trust me. None of you should.
Anyway, some can trust me. None of you should.
Minime · F
@VolpeTredici yeah, I know. Sorry, stupid spell check.