bijouxbroussard · F
I wasn’t familiar with him. But your announcing that you’re happy someone’s dead suggests that perhaps you’re no better than he was. 😒
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bijouxbroussard · F
@princessElizabeth I still say it says more about you. I didn’t know the man or anything about him. But wanting to see a domestic abuser stopped and celebrating a 20 year old’s murder are two different animals.
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@bijouxbroussard if you don’t like it, leave
bijouxbroussard · F
@princessElizabeth I don’t have to, actually. Block me if you can’t hear a dissenting opinion. I won’t take offense.
caccoon · 36-40
I've never heard of the dude. But I keep seeing people mentioning him.
I wonder why people want to make infamous a person who is repulsive? Let's just let him be forgotten if he was so bad.
I wonder why people want to make infamous a person who is repulsive? Let's just let him be forgotten if he was so bad.

I only heard of him because he died
Thanos · 31-35, M
@SW-User lol same 😅
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
I can not understand why you or anyone would take pleasure from the brutal murder of a twenty year old. Why that level of hatred?
Because he was charged with domestic abuse? Do you believe everyone ever charged with domestic abuse should be killed even if not convicted?
Because he was a rapper you place less value on his life?
Because he was charged with domestic abuse? Do you believe everyone ever charged with domestic abuse should be killed even if not convicted?
Because he was a rapper you place less value on his life?
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@GJOFJ3 he was a racist, misogynistic pedophile. Abuse just happens to come along with it.
sparkling · F
Oh my god shut up. Lol I’m pretty sure that was like a one time thing.. no one deserves to die. And if you’d looked at the live stream he posted before his death you wouldn’t have said this
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@sparkling a one time thing? Beating his pregnant girlfriend was a one time thing? Did you forget about him beating a man nearly to death in jail because he thought he was gay? What about all the other instances?

@SW-User of course not. It seems like he had psychological issues. People like that aren't clear in thinking. Again, they should still pay the consequences whilst obtaining professional help
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I skimmed his wiki bio a lil bit. Sounds like he came from a broken home. Not an excuse for his bad behaviors tho

Only knew him because of that Suicide song 🤔
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
Well, we all make mistakes, but when you die, there are going to be people that are gonna say "ew im glad she died I hated her she was so gross" i hope you realise that 😁😁😁 have a good day
SirCastle · 22-25, M
Go fuck your self you shit all you got on your day is too suck dick so go do it@princessElizabeth
NathanCH23 · 18-21, M
@Thanos true

@SirCastle Did you really created an account to insult someone ? Wow pathetic life. Hahahahhahaha
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
I only know of him because infowars kept bitching about him months ago

I commented on your previous post about this. Since then I've had a look. Annoying twat at best is my opinion, with regards to his death "play with fire you get burnt", he's obviously mouthed off at someone who gives 0 fks. Just one less to worry about.
Selah ·
Did he beat your ass?

@Selah No but he raped, aint that enough?
amvanquish · 51-55, M
Is this the pregnant gf beater and rapist?
princessElizabeth · 22-25, F
@amvanquish yeahhh
amvanquish · 51-55, M
no loss then@princessElizabeth