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How do you enjoy time alone?

Do you look forward to it and what things do you do? Or do you get bored and look for company?
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F Best Comment
I have no choice...I'd better enjoy it...if I can. I am old. My friends are all far away or dead. I spent a year looking for company. It did not work.

I like to read. And I am writing a book about my life from the point of view of these who met me this year and decided once was enough. It's based on the Dos Equis commercials ("He is the most interesting man in the world..."). It's called:
The Least Interesting Woman in the World

"I don't always drink water. But when I do, I prefer tap water. Stay hydrated, my friends."
MikeSp · 56-60, M
@greenmountaingal Churches make for a useful social group where you can meet new friends. It's OK if you are not fully into their stated beliefs. Just say you are still exploring. I've known a number of people who come every week and skip the service, but enjoy helping in a particular area, like kids or the meals for the homeless. Then after, you and your new friends go out to eat or whatever.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@MikeSp I do go to a church and I go most Sundays, and I like it. But I have found no close friends there so far, and there are mostly families there with children.
MikeSp · 56-60, M
@greenmountaingal I've heard of churches with Adopt-a-Senior programs where a family or person asks an older single member of the church to join them for lunch after church. The younger ones also keep in touch during the week to check on them. Maybe ask your pastor to endorse and start something like this?

SteveTomms · 56-60, M
I've always enjoyed the solitary moments. Love walking to or along secluded beaches or coastlines. Makes me feel more alive.
i am single and dont like to sit around doing nothing so i spend my time working or walking on the hills where i live
BeautyOfLove · 31-35, M
Meditation, listening songs... or just thinking nothing and watching the free birds
Rhonda · F
@BeautyOfLove music is great. I often just sit in silence for a while and think nothing too.
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Rhonda · F
@ThaGemiini I am the same and even sometimes travel alone.
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Rhonda · F
@ThaGemiini it is very common now and lots of travel companies have dropped their single supplements.
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Rhonda · F
@SW-User would you like company sometimes?
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@Rhonda I would Rosey :)
Uncfred · 61-69, M
It is sometimes something I do by choice, but fortunately I have the choice. I love nature and am a naturist, so being alone in the countryside, naked and free is my idea of happiness.
RoadieJay · 61-69, M
I like to read a book
MalenudistUK · 56-60, M
I am away with work most of the time and go out in the evenings for meals. I plan a few hours of me time every week where I like to catch up on my reading while drinking a large glass of wine or watch a couple of episodes of a box set.
Lumberjack70 · 56-60, M
I head for my wood room to build things. I do my best creative thinking alone when I can concentrate. Everyone should be comfortable with themselves.
PrettyGurl24 · 31-35, F
I wait till night when my kids go sleep & I come out on the porch & smoke like I'm doing now. It's so peaceful 😊
Rhonda · F
@PrettyGurl24 you enjoy a smoke more when you are totally relaxed.
MikeSp · 56-60, M
I have a good balance of company and time alone. By the time I'm bored, it's either time for bed or I'm meeting someone.
I look forward to it, though it can be lonely at times. I like to read or go for walks by myself. Or people-watch.
Read a book , watch documentaries take my dogs for a walk depending on the weather and maybe a bit of gardening
I'm good with time alone. I was an only child, so I'm pretty used to that
Positive1992 · 31-35
Sometimes looks for company
i am alone every day but i have just got used to it now
I enjoy the quietness. Lo,
That’s what brought me here. lol
That’s what brought me here. lol
Not for long I don't...
melbeacher · 61-69, M
A little of both I think
Just4fun · 51-55, M
A little of both 😄
melbeacher · 61-69, M
A little of both !
melbeacher · 61-69, M
I usually go to the beach
I enjoy my time alone
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
Very much
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
I do enjoy my alone time:)
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