Alyx0 · M
I've never been interested in puzzle. To come to think of it, I've probably have never finished a puzzle with more then 50 peices. My mom on the other hand would do huge puzzles and the glue them and give them to is for posters.
Alyx0 · M
I do that with watching anime and cartoons.
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
i have one a old one, but its used as decor
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whateverhappens · 26-30, F
@PinHead its not that, its old wooden box where that parts can move, hopefully its that what you're talking of, its just strange idk where my grand got it
@whateverhappens Go on, I'm intrigued...does it open up other worlds?
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
@PinHead lol highly doubt , thats basically all it does, its decoration not a toy
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I'd rather not have my soul torn apart
Shayla · F
I want one.
JasonVoorhees · M
Get out of here, this is my day. Nobody even remembers you.
@JasonVoorhees Everybody has better memories of me before you. At least I don't target pesky teenagers
JasonVoorhees · M
@PinHead Every Halloween kids dress up as me. When's the last time anybody dressed up as you?
@JasonVoorhees yes, because going to Value Village and buying a $1.99 hockey mask is considered "dressing up"