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NobodyFrvr31-35, M
hey! who was that guy ? hahaha

Solenya Best Comment
First they'll talk about the weather and everything, then they'd look at my coffin and be like "Then there was this asshole..." 馃槀
@Solenya 馃槷馃槄
If I die soon it might sound something like this...Although,she let few people really know her,she was loved by all that did.She leaves behind a loving Husband,6 wonderful children and 6 grandchildren.She will be dearly missed by many.
nobody is invited
I made it clear
if nobody does
let me know somehow and I'll show up in spirit
NobodyFrvr31-35, M
@SW-User Ok i'll come :)
@Tminus6453 If you don'e go to your friends funerals they probably won't attend yours........modified Yoggi Berra quote
No eulogy needed. My life and lifestyle has spoken more clearly than anyone else could.
It's funny, I was just thinking about that when I attended a funeral last week. I would hope they would say that I was a kind, loving, loyal, hard-working person who had a great sense of humor and a warm smile that always lit up the room.
@DreamyCrush Well they probably will if its all true, i dont think ive done enough in life to make the final speech last more than 5
@Tminus6453 Yes, it's all true. I wouldn't want anyone to get up there and tell lies about me.

I'm sure you've made a positive impact on more lives than you give yourself credit for.
Peppa31-35, F
She lived alone, she isolated herself. She survived on very little, she made friends with very few. She died with no-one close.
Peppa31-35, F
@Tminus6453 sad I think but that how it is
@Peppa Yeah, not too sad...I have a few good friends but Its how i choose to live my life actually
Peppa31-35, F
@Tminus6453 for enough
Crazywaterspring61-69, M
The urn contains his ashes. This is an open bar. Drinks are on him. The bartender will take your orders now. Please tip.
@Crazywaterspring There ya go...
I have requested no funeral service of any kind. I will not have my death serve as a family reunion. Have a picnic like normal families. 馃榿馃憤
@SW-User Cool..
nedkelly61-69, M
Oldest daughter, does mean I cannot use your credit card anymore
At least he isn't full of shit all came out when he passed.
I don't want a funeral
DonaldTrumpet70-79, M
TRUMpUs was KinG of Kings LIKEs TITinKamen of EgyptZ

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