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I Love Getting Into Deep Conversations

A chat with a fellow philosopher

Not sure if many people will enjoy the format at which this conversation is laid out but meh.

aiminna: care to share your philosophies with me?
spotnick1111: Oh hello there
aiminna: hello
spotnick1111: Philosophies about what?
aiminna: anything really
spotnick1111: Well that'd be hard to pick off from
spotnick1111: Why do you want to know them if I may ask?
aiminna: to develop my own understanding and incorporate yours
aiminna: i seek to try and understand others views so that i may view all possible angles and progress
spotnick1111: Is there anything that is bothering you at the moment?
spotnick1111: Because there are too many possible angles and possibilities for me to be able to share my point of view on each.
aiminna: well lets just start with this, what is your view on what came before gods or creation in the first place?
aiminna: the very start of everything and anything
spotnick1111: Hmmm
spotnick1111: Well, I usually don't bother with those kind of viewpoints as half of the time they don't lead to anywhere
aiminna: i suppose, but humor me
spotnick1111: But yes I have some beliefs in creation, perhaps we aren't the only creation that exists considering the universe is so vast
spotnick1111: vast*
aiminna: of course
aiminna: this may sound strange but i think everything is infinitely possible and not possible at the same time
spotnick1111: I believe everything is infinitely possible but we'll most likely won't learn all those possibilities
aiminna: i wouldn't want to know everything anyway
aiminna: its more of the pursuit/journey
spotnick1111: The only thing I have a relatively firm belief on is that none of the religions are sure about what's good and bad, or what's true and false, so I don't pay attention to any of that, including if a god exists or not, or weather he/she/it created everything or not.
aiminna: have questions that you may want to ask me?
aiminna: so you choose to just ignore it for now?
spotnick1111: Yes indeed
spotnick1111: Mind my own business if that's possible
aiminna: heh
aiminna: well thats pretty hard when you are an entity in the universe that has thoughts
spotnick1111: Been easy so far xD
aiminna: it will always be in the back of your mind
spotnick1111: Well yes
spotnick1111: Humans seem likely to be directly linked with divinity thoughts
aiminna: i suppose
spotnick1111: Also why even atheists pray when they're going to die, just in case
aiminna: i wouldn't bother
aiminna: as a me in another time/universe will have already done it for me
spotnick1111: Idk, depends on why I'm dying
aiminna: if you think about because there can be an infinite number of realities that means that you are doing everything and you are everywhere at the same time or possibly no time at all
spotnick1111: The realities are interesting, I don't know how the idea of parallel universes came to be
aiminna: well our universe is formed off of duality
spotnick1111: But if there's a different me in another universe, then technically that wouldn't be me
aiminna: wouldn't it make sense to have an opposite universe with antimatter
aiminna: well it would and it wouldn't
spotnick1111: Just like clones aren't the same since they're born in different circumstances
spotnick1111: Even if they look the same and are constituted the same way
aiminna: they would still be you though
aiminna: and not you at the same time
spotnick1111: Wouldn't be me if I'm not connected somehow
aiminna: well that depends, if we are to believe that we depart our bodies and have a soul are we the collective of our beings or just that singular being?
spotnick1111: wouldn't be me if we were entirely independent
aiminna: one of the most strange things i find is the very thought that are we even doing the actions we choose to do?
spotnick1111: And how about everyone else's souls? It doesn't seem to make much sense to have different souls when a single one can be a collective of beings
spotnick1111: Oh yes that's very strange
spotnick1111: There's also a question that boggles many people's mind
aiminna: can i prove whether or not i am the one typing this?
spotnick1111: Technically yes
aiminna: i am just typing what comes to mind as are you
aiminna: what are your thoughts on fate?
spotnick1111: Fate...
spotnick1111: I believe there's fate in the universe
spotnick1111: As in the macro scale
spotnick1111: but not fate in our own actions
aiminna: i believe it is a construct of our reality
spotnick1111: How?
aiminna: people say that there can be chaos in the universe, but can there?
aiminna: can we truly say that real chaos exist when the universe has various laws and conditions to make it function
aiminna: can something be made if it has no been formulated or created in the first place?
aiminna: not*
spotnick1111: Eh, I don't quite understand
aiminna: well take it this way when everything was created an object could be made out of certain energy/atoms
aiminna: can something exist in our reality if that energy and atom configuration cannot be done?
aiminna: the periodic table would be a good example
aiminna: there are elements we have not found yet but once we have found all of them can something else be made that doesn't consist of those elements?
aiminna: i apologize even i have a hard time putting this into words
spotnick1111: I'm pretty sure there are elements we don't know yet
spotnick1111: possibly created with energy we don't have access to
aiminna: exactly
aiminna: so can something be made if the construction plans/materials have not been made/have access to
aiminna: if everything is infinitely possible and not possible which is the truth and which is not?
spotnick1111: Our truth only exists in our little world
aiminna: i suppose, you could say that we create our own truth
spotnick1111: So yes maybe it can't truly be called absolute truth
aiminna: strange huh?
spotnick1111: Yep
aiminna: thats why i want to look at multiple peoples understandings
aiminna: if everyone creates their own truth then i want to be able to understand as many other peoples truths to try and make a more unified truth
aiminna: futile as it is
spotnick1111: It's like comparing animal behaviors
spotnick1111: They just do what it works the best
spotnick1111: for them
aiminna: indeed
aiminna: i think if you still look at the world as a coin with two sides you will never truly be able to understand whats beyond that
aiminna: however that is only my collective truth thus far
spotnick1111: And seen from space you just see a pale blue dot, with everything else forming and moving independently of what those animal behaviors work out
aiminna: i suppose a more poetic way to put it is that everyone is their own suspended droplet of water in a vast ocean of droplets each moving to and from different truths that form a collective
aiminna: is one drop the ocean or are all drops their own ocean?
spotnick1111: Nice way to put it
aiminna: i try
aiminna: i still can't go beyond some things
aiminna: its almost like a wall is preventing me
aiminna: you ever get that from time to time on certain thoughts?
spotnick1111: Yeah I guess it can be called that
spotnick1111: My thoughts usually involve people
aiminna: i see, family/friends/strangers?
spotnick1111: Friends and strangers
aiminna: i tell you what though, there are some pretty interesting people out there
spotnick1111: I usually end up talking with people that have problems
spotnick1111: and I just try to help
aiminna: i see
aiminna: i know a a few others that do that
aiminna: i don't really see anything as a problem for it is the person that is making the issue a problem in the first place
aiminna: you can think of something as a blessing or a curse i suppose but in the end it is all just a matter of perception and choice
spotnick1111: When you've been having problems for a long time and it doesn't look like anything good will come from your future, you realize that the best thing you can do in your spare time is trying to help other people out.
aiminna: i suppose i could say i help people, however i consider my conversations and words just suggestions and my own understanding
spotnick1111: Yes a lot of people appreciate words and understanding
spotnick1111: just as you try to find a collective truth
spotnick1111: Some people want to know that someone else thinks differently than them
spotnick1111: and counter their bad actions or thoughts
spotnick1111: Or just provide examples of how they reasoning isn't right
spotnick1111: Even if they know nothing is truly right, it gives them an alternative they haven't considered
aiminna: i suppose it just makes them feel a little better
spotnick1111: The best thing is when they actually feel better
aiminna: i would say that i have caused more headaches then good feelings
aiminna: haha
spotnick1111: I guess it depends on the personality of who you help out
aiminna: indeed
spotnick1111: People who I can't help probably don't tolerate talking to me for too long in the first place
aiminna: different energy compositions
aiminna: i guess you would either be on the side of balanced or positive
spotnick1111: Not really
spotnick1111: I'm a very negative person
aiminna: depends
spotnick1111: At least with circumstances
spotnick1111: but I guess my reasoning's are positive
spotnick1111: or something like that
aiminna: i think negative energy can cultivate a person beneficially just as much as positive energy just in a different way
spotnick1111: Yea you're right
spotnick1111: It depends on how you use it
aiminna: so tell me what do you think was the very start of everything?
aiminna: i would say that it was nothingness, but not the nothingness as we know it more of an entity that is conscious and nothing at the same time
spotnick1111: Perhaps we're just an iteration
aiminna: its possible
spotnick1111: Which is why nothing is perfect and there seems to be chaos everywhere
aiminna: perhaps when we die and we create our own universe/creation from or thoughts and energy that has been accumulated thus far
spotnick1111: slightly different circumstances and values for each reality, universe, or perhaps it happens every time the universe comes to be
spotnick1111: Yep, that can also be it
aiminna: that would explain why some people that have a religion beleive that they have seen a bright light and feel positive energy
aiminna: feel*
aiminna: if anything, if i was to die and go into nothing i would probably find solace in the fact that i have returned to what was
spotnick1111: I see
aiminna: maybe because i think that nothingness created everything i will still be conscious and be that nothingness entity
aiminna: it would be rather strange thats for sure
aiminna: strange*
spotnick1111: I think you'd enjoy this
spotnick1111: hold on
spotnick1111: let me get it for you
aiminna: oh?
spotnick1111: Long vid
spotnick1111: may want to watch it later
aiminna: i will watch it later, thanks
spotnick1111: I used to visit that page sometimes
spotnick1111: Some of it I don't believe
spotnick1111: some of it is rather interesting
aiminna: i have always liked geometry
spotnick1111: The Universe category on the left menu is really nice
spotnick1111: If you excuse me, I'll go eat some cereal
spotnick1111: And play a game while I do so
aiminna: enjoy
spotnick1111: Thank you
aiminna: hope i entertained you with my rantings
spotnick1111: Yeah, it was less tedious than I thought it'd be
spotnick1111: Some people usually try to force the conversation through
spotnick1111: but I was comfortable
aiminna: well i listen to everything and don't judge, your truth is your own and my truth is my own
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JustAlexia · 36-40, F

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