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Anyone else feel like they can't navigate modern society anymore?

Too much is going on to become passionate about everything that is important. And if you pick your battles, hoping others pick up the rest, that quickly becomes frustrating because people who chose to leave their knowledge about it shallow (hopefully to take a deeper dive into other topics instead) still value their opinion on the topic you researched thoroughly equally valid.

And when it comes to personal interests rather than societal issues, it's no better. When meeting people in person it's a lottery to find someone who shares any interests, let alone multiple ones. Platforms dedicated to anything are pretty shallow by definition, and it's equally a lottery to find someone there who shares any other interest. And on sites with all kinds of subcommunities, where you could theoretically bond over different topics in different sections and realize you meet the same people in several areas, I find it incredibly hard to find subcommunities for my interests that are free of judgment.

SW is doing a fairly good job at combining various safe spaces, but the overall community is small, especially outside the USA. On Reddit I felt immediately judged and ridiculed the few times I tried posting, no matter how specific the category I posted in was. On Mastadon I can't find any subcommunities despite every review saying that's the core principle of it. And on any other platform I know of I just can't find my way around either for one reason or another.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
On my travels around the web i just find everything so fragmented.

People seem to coalesce around their opposition to stuff rather than wanting to be pro things.

Not sure what the answer is.
Neoerectus · M
This has been my feeling about greater humanity for awhile. 😏

So, I find connections where I can, do hobby or home projects. Travel helps me to meet new people - I find folks can actually be more open and kind to new people outside their comfort groups.

Online, I find the self-imposed cells of people can get boring. I miss old fashioned discussion of ideas and facts vs the rancerous diatribes of unfounded or distorted-factoid opinions.

Good luck!
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
When did I ever have sense I could navigate any society ever? 😅 I just try to find my space and squeeze in if it works.
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
Just stick to SW then ..

It's as real as it gets ..

Just stick with your scaled down community and you will be fine
@BobbyMoeven yeah, probably... I've felt this way before and eventually found a fair amount of satisfaction on SW again. Maybe not as much as I'd hoped, but enough to get through the days reasonably happy. It's a bit worrying how these feelings are becoming more frequent, but I'll keep beating them.
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@HootyTheNightOwl yep, people just have an opinion about everything, including each other's decision, without knowing anything about it.

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