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Some personal reflections and then to rest.

I have always been too mature for jealousies. I never hold resentment over what I don't have, nor measure my worth by comparing myself to others. That is to say, any playful competition with the same gender has never compromised my ability to share their joys, celebrate their beauty, their achievements, and their blessings..

And there is so much to celebrate. After all, women are extraordinary. They are loving, so compassionate, so beautiful..

Perhaps I lacked that ability to envy because I have watched my mother, forever trapped in the illusion that we are rivals. It is/was torture. It forced me to confront a truth and embrace a role she could not. I had to be her mother instead.

So, the sickness in my relationships that I have had to confront is different. Being a salvation and the ego that grows with that.. I have met some here who can relate to that.

For too long, I sought to save those who fell into patterns of abuse, sacrificing my own well being for their broken spirits, putting them first too many times. And how many times did they spit upon my hand after I lifted them? Too many times too..

Well..when you give too much, some become tyrants over your kindness. Some think of you as a servant, not a friend or an equal. And this applies to both genders btw. The sense of entitlement and ingratitude is expressed differently but it is there..

Yet I must admit to myself that I have given more to women than I have to men, in the past. I formed deeper and more emotional bonds with women. Bonds that costed me my own sanity in a few instances.

I, like a fool, believed that by saving the ungrateful, I could somehow redeem the loss of my sister Sirin. Yes, everything in my mind is connected. I was stubborn back then, and I clung to that desperately refusing to give up.

That was my sickness.

I have accepted the bitter truth: those who fall will, in some cases, choose to fall again. They choose it willingly. They are not victims; they are creators of their own destruction. And by engaging it, I am also a creator of my own destruction.. Watching people ruin their lives once more is always like reliving the trauma of a mother who never changed... my mother.

I learned that some people must be told of their wrongness and then released to either swim or, sadly, drown in the waters they refuse to escape. It is the respectful thing to do regardless of my own attachements to results and goals and expectations..do your part and let go. Or you become a manifestation of everything you dislike about the entrapment.
sam1992 · 31-35, M
Thank you for sharing . It is like pressing wisely my latest multiple traumas. You know people who do like you grow up over their wounds coz I tried that too. Being sensitive person to people brought me the worst. Nearly all my relations end by fading because somehow everyone trued to deceive me or abuse my crisis times. That ended me alone most of my life . I know for sure my blessings but it doesn't seem that anybody is going to accept them peacefully . So lately I decided no friend zone and my subconsciousness seems to be totally convinced this time. The last period of life made me a different person because of excessive hurt . I wonder why kids love me so much specially my kids and I don't see I am totally worthy of it anymore. To be honest I don't fully understand why being hurt makes me feel that. I had severe periods of loneliness that I never felt before. I don't try to make it into relations again , I better suffer it coz I know it is not because of lack of relations.To be honest I never been too weak like this before. I have to deal with what people think of me just because for example I need to work or need to buy cigarettes. Too many obstacles like a stone in the throat , still going on though . It is not my fault that part of me can't think but this way. It seems that nobody will ever think how you go through the uncertainties . And believe me I won't ever serve it the way I used to before ever.
Miram · 31-35, F

You're too cruel towards yourself. You carry burdens beyond anyone's ability. All the hurt we feel when we see others in pain or in need isn't something we should embrace. It is not healthy to dwell in our helplessness. We have to accept which can't be changed. And the things we can change will take lot of time and patience.

You're worthy of love and respect and the home you have, and the children and the love of your wife which you have..You really are. I understand the sense of rootless loss though..and the sense of becoming drained.

Take it easy, good man.
sam1992 · 31-35, M
@Miram I have gone far beyond that . But I will try to make things better as far as I can for the people who are in need to trust me even if they were just two who happened to be my kids. You know I wonder why my kids aren't affected by my past issues like other kids and older persons in the family 🤔 . I will protect them even If I have to get fleshed out. I want them to live the sweet life they deserve. I have been very good so far and I hope for more .
Miram · 31-35, F
@sam1992 I believe that once we procreate, our lives no longer belong to us alone. We would be morally corrupted to think otherwise.

Kids love more unconditionally. They believe blindly.

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