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America's Uncounted

There is a large and growing number of people in America that goes mostly uncounted. They live in the shadows often coming out at night. They appear in Walmart parking lots, truck stops, public parking parks , lightly used industrial streets, scattered around vacant lots and open spaces on the outskirts of town, in our national parks and any place they can go unnoticed. You can find them in old beat up passenger cars, pickup trucks, vans, RV's, And new vehicles they are still making payments on. Intentionally drawing as little attention as possible to themselves and there situation. Quit a few of my them maintain jobs and work amongst us.They range in age from teenagers to senior citizens and families. Each with stories of bad luck, bad timing, misfortune, loss of loved ones and a million other reasons.

They struggle with personal hygiene and finding safe and comfortable sleeping conditions . Often in places that are not the safest to be in. Many of them not spending more than a night or two in one spot to avoid detection from local law enforcement and have a list of places they rotate between. Usually they have little interaction with others living in the same conditions and tend to keep to themselves.

Some are easy to spot because their vehicles are loaded to the gills with personal items . Some rent storage spaces so it's not so obvious and to have a place to go with some privacy.

Long faces usually prevail as most see no end in sight to their current plight and trying living conditions.

It's a huge number of people and quickly growing larger by the day. With the cost of housing going up so much and so fast along with the inflation rate and general overall cost of living outpacing the increase in disposable income by leaps and bounds any improvement in this situation is doubtful.
Tony787 · 51-55, M
Well written. Not only happening in the US but also the UK and all over the world rents are going up and people just can't afford it. Even here on the holiday island of Cyprus rents have almost tripled in a few years. Something is very wrong with the system we live in.
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Crazy isn't it.
If you're visible you can assemble; form a cause attract media attention and become a thorn in the sides of Politicians disrespectful to your plight.
But if you just want to keep doing your job without the embarrassment of your employer knowing your circumstances and giving them excuses to fire you, or if you're dealing with debt and either drowning or trying to pay it off, this is what you have to do
Where I live, I see them all the time in grocery store parking lots and so I can't help but think of them constantly... and worry about them and what may happen to many of us in this area as the cost of everything increases.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@MasterLee Few of the people I describe are illegal immigrants I can assure you. The majority of illegal immigrants are absorbed into the Latin and Hispanic communities. There they find home and property owners sympathetic to their plight.
Stuffy · 61-69, F
As I was reading the first paragraph I thought of van lifers. Saves on rent And taxes. But alas many don’t actually want to live like that :(
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@Stuffy You are right, some do chose to live that way but most of them don't. Most don't have a choice.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Thank God for Walmart / Target parking lots . Very nice what those companies do. And of course you can buy whatever you need inside .
With the ecalating cost of food and rent the numbers are doubling yearly. The Republican Party want to take all Social Ptograms away.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Illegal aliens aren't uncounted Americans
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Tres13 · 51-55, M
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
@Tres13 Zombies ? Really ? Many of them are normal people that have fallen on hard times . Once they have lost there place to live it is even more difficult to find housing again. Affordable housing doesn't exist for most of them. Coming up with security deposits and first months rent application fees, utility deposits and activation fees, are beyond there reach especially if they live on a fixed income as many of the older ones and disabled ones do. I am sure that is beyond your understanding though.
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@MarmeeMarch my Gov is now demanding fast track work visas for the visitors .

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