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You ever feel humbled by the kindness of strangers?

Two strangers (one with a shovel and one with a truck and chain) saved the day for me today when I accidentally drove off the road around an icy corner. Wow Im not use to receiving help, and I feel very humbled for their selfless rapid kindness. 🥲
The Bible says that sometimes we run on to strangers that are actually angels, but we're not aware of them being literal angels. I believe God sent you two angels and if they weren't real angels, they were still angels in our opinion. I'm so glad you were safe and they helped you out. God bless them for that. Any other time if I saw a man with a shovel and another man with a truck and chain, I would think I'm a dead woman. Hahaha but thank God this was in winter and they truly were there to help. I believe the Lord leads us in discerning which are angels and which are not. In this day and age, one has to be very careful and not be too trusting.

Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@LadyGrace I love that verse in the bible. My mom always mentions it.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F

I feel like God answers Prayers through other people.

Glad you're safe.

And Bless them for helping you.

In this day and age, I'm still very surprised when I come across a good Samaritan.
Casheyane · F
Yeah. They're there hidden. They don't try to stand out often. But when you need them, they come out of hiding. The true diamonds in the rough.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@Casheyane beautifully said. I agree.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
yeah, I live in a hurricane prone area and from time to time we are flooded with out of town help from the power companies, law enforcement, and volunteers.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Yes. I'm suprised by kindness 😂
Piper · 61-69, F
Yes, many times.
Funlov · M
All the time
splendid · 41-45, M
Yes, and that's why it's good for each of us to help others when we can.
Many times. I seem to be a magnet for both the best of people and also the worst. I always have very interesting stories.
That’s awesome that you encountered good people in a tricky situation 😌🙏🏼

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