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How many Genders are there?

*Spoiler Alert*
there is only 2.
Male and Female
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Carazaa · F

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis" 1:27
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1pebbles · 56-60, F
@Carazaa 2, male or female
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@Carazaa that doesn’t address the biological reality in some instances.
TexChik · F
@SW-User such as?
@TexChik children born with variations of both m/f genitalia. It has always happened. Sometimes a choice is made for them at birth.

The other interesting detail in human development is the fact that the sex determination process “begins” . This process starts in the embryonic stage.

I think it’s an understood that there are any number of things that can happen during a pregnancy.

This is one that parents and people who are impacted don’t like to talk about in public.
1pebbles · 56-60, F
@SW-User I thought of those children but they choose to go one way or the other, and are the exception rather than the norm
TexChik · F
@SW-User Hermaphrodites? So? What bearing does that have on the gender issue? That is a fairly rare birth defect and certainly does not represent even a percentage of the human population. Most of them possess more female than male secondary sexual characteristics at birth and usually mature as a female after early surgical intervention . Its no different than being born without a hand or fingers. The gender issue still has not changed, either its male or female .
@TexChik I am inclined to think that with 8billion plus humans in the earth , nothing is “rare” any more.

I am the first to admit that I am not a geneticist.
I am guessing when I say “ neither are you”.

I appreciate your point, it’s something that I heard all my life as well.

TexChik · F
@SW-User Please. You "heard" it so therefore it is true? "Nothing is rare in our population". Really? Do you even know the incidence of hermaphroditism? Less than .5% actually have identifiable reproductive or sexual variations. In other words, its rare. That still has nothing to do with gender .
@TexChik I am not playing with words. I do have a background in science, and yet I didn’t claim to be an expert.

Please provide your sources of data.
TexChik · F
@SW-User I also have a heavy science background and all you need do is your own simple research. Look it up before you spew it out. So you are saying because I refuted your statements that I must be lying? I am not a democrat. Look it up yourself.
@TexChik I haven’t been spewing things, any more than you have. Gender dysphoria is a real issue. There are births that are sometimes impacted by proteins..that later manifest.

Politics has nothing to do with this 😂..
TexChik · F
@SW-User Proteins? Please just stop or go read. Facts are what I told you, if you cant handle that , that is your problem. Hermaphroditism is NOT common in the population no matter what you HEARD. Gender dysphoria is a socialist liberal construct and has nothing to do with reality and everything to do with enabling mental illness and the socialist agenda.
@TexChik proteins= hormones…or did you forget.

Read the DSM
Your knowledge is lacking

Your faith is the problem. That’s ok to have. It doesn’t have any context in this post.

Be well.
TexChik · F
@SW-User Proteins do not equal hormones Mr. Wizard. That I have never forgotten nor their target function or the secretory gland of origin. There are three main chemical categories of hormones: protein/polypeptides, steroids, and those made from modified amino acids. A generic protein could be anything is not "protein".
@TexChik now you read
TexChik · F
@SW-User I dont need to. I am still waiting for you to show me how a sterol, or a lipid for that matter is a protein, or how an amino acid chain is a protein. All I have been reading is your BS. Run along and play Mr Wizard.
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@TexChik or a luteinizing hormone?

I don’t recall making the the sterol or lipid connection.

Although, I am pretty certain that glycoproteins are a thing..

Must be your reading too much into things.
@MarmeeMarch you are right
TexChik · F
@SW-User And WTF does that have to do with gender Mr. Wizard?
@TexChik are your hormones an issue now?
TexChik · F
@SW-User No you said hermaphroditism was common and that it affected gender for the entire population, then you said you knew that because you had "heard" it and you also said that there was nothing rare among 8 billion people . I then pointed out the actual incidence of clinically detectible hermaphroditism in the population was very rare, you then said it was because of mixed up proteins that affectes gender. I told you it was hormones that affected the sex of a developing embryo, then you said all hormones were protein while telling my how you were an educated scientist. I am still waiting for your to prove anything you have said in this thread that was actually correct . Instead you come up with another false premise. You also said your dissemination of false information wasnt politically motivated. I say that in addition to not knowing what you are talking about when it comes to genetics, biochemistry, or hermaphroditism...you are also not being truthful and are trying to support the socialist premise of gender dysphoria. I have had enough of your nonsense.

Now you are being a sexist jerk and you can either go away, shut up, and stop bothering me or I am going to block you. Your choice, Mr. Wizard.
@TexChik you should provide data to support claims.

Being blocked would be an honor