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How many Genders are there?

*Spoiler Alert*
there is only 2.
Male and Female
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Northwest · M
It doesn't look like you understand basic biology, so you chose politics/religion/both, or whatever, to defeat actual science.

When an egg is fertilized, there are two possibilities:

1. It was fertilized by one sperm - 99%.

2. It was fertilized by more than one sperm - it was thought this was 1%, but new research suggests that it may be a lot more than that, and that twins intermediate between identical and fraternal might result from double fertilization.

Let's stick with case #1.

A sperm has either an X or a Y chromosome. Eggs have an X chromosome. When an egg is fertilized, its X chromosome, combines with the sperm's chromosomes. The result can be:

A. XX, which produces female sexual and reproductive organs.

B. XY, which produces male sexual and reproductive organs.

C, D, E, F, etc. when a different chromosome arrangement results, resulting in an intersex individual.

Now that your biology education is over, let's teach you one more thing: sex and gender are two different things, and if you think the biology of sex is complicated, the biology of gender is a lot more complex, and that's when DNA comes into play.

"Woke" culture, however, is not a biological factor, and never determines sex or gender, but this is something you would realize if you stop confusing politics for science.
@Northwest well stated.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Northwest Only Two (2) genders professor.
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@Budwick reread and take notes
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User Northwest is a self important blowhard.
Northwest · M
@SW-User How strange, some dummy downvoted my post, without an actual rebuttal of the facts. I wonder who that is. You would think they have enough brains to post an actual rebuttal, but on second thought, they would have if the latter is true.
iamelijah · 26-30, M
@Northwest Interesting. How do we classify hermaphrodite category?

Are they sex/gender is a disorder?

If they (intersex) called disorder, then what gender should we categorise them?

There is also xxy chromosome although it is rare cases but we can't dismiss them in our society.
@Budwick your education seems to have stopped in middle school, a few years back.
@Northwest This subject is uncomfortable for many people. Schools can only teach what can be approved. So, exposure to these ideas is limited.
I was in that same position as a kid. I went to a small private school in the 80’s. It was after I went to college that I realized, how disjointed my understanding about the world really was🤷🏻‍♂️
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User You forgot - condescension noted. There's only two genders Sparky.
@Budwick no condescension intended.
Uninformed opinions are everywhere.

Science doesn’t stop, just because people stop studying.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User Genders never changed.
@Budwick ok, you win
Northwest · M
@SW-User We all have a brain, and a school's most important mission, is to teach "critical thinking". Religion is typically the antithesis of "critical thinking", however some of the brightest stars in education, are Jesuit and Jewish parochial schools, that treat religion as secondary to developing a well adjusted, thinking on their own, human beings.

I went to a fantastic parochial school, that prepared well for college. We were taught reproductive science, as a science, not dogma.

This is SW, so you have the occasional knuckle draggers, who think education, science, and knowledge are woke traits, so they downvote me, like the cowards they are. On the plus side, I know who they are, and neither redemmed or his brainless, pathetic buddy, have ever produced a reasoning, only simply sound bites.
@Northwest they need science when they go to a doctor.
Northwest · M
@SW-User and that's just the tip of the irony iceberg.
@Northwest yet, they are ok with ramps and pulleys etc.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I went to college that I realized, how disjointed my understanding about the world really was🤷🏻‍♂️

You were indoctrinated.
@Budwick you , are off topic
Budwick · 70-79, M
Northwest · M
@SW-User You don't really want to step into that pile of shit. You know what they say "you may smell as sweet as a rose, but the minute you step into a pile of shit, you'll end yo stinking"
@Northwest it’s like wrestling a pig.

You both get filthy and the pig likes it..
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Northwest @SW-User

And you two are the self proclaimed 'educated ones'.
Emjay · 18-21, F
@Northwest You said "woke". Instant distrust.
@Budwick where did I say that?