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It is in need of help.

Abstraction · 61-69, M
The post-truth, conspiracy mindset is profoundly disturbing. I used to laugh at the portrayals of ignorant, superstitious peasants wanting to burn witches - lynch mobs wanting a hanging because someone had manipulated them into rage.

But seriously. What's the difference between that and many on SW, for instance.
@Abstraction reading some of the things that are posted on SW, and feeling the anger and retribution if I fact check them, it makes me wonder if fiction will eventually outweigh truth for the majority.
And that would be the return of the Dark Ages.
@robingoodfellow I'll take fiction over what I see expressed at moments, but it's not from not wanting to fact check, it's more some are just better at writing the human condition. I'd suspect Shakespeare helped the human condition, for example.
RodionRomanovitch · 56-60, M
@Abstraction ' What's the difference between that and many on SW, for instance.'

Well a lack of education and access to information is no longer an excuse for the type of ignorance we witness now. These people are fools who like to pretend they are privvy to seem deeper knowledge than the rest of us. They are either too stupid to realise they are being manipulated or they are so attention seeking that they will repeat just about anything if they think it might elicit a response. Personally , I'm done with arguing with them about anything of substance. Contempt is all I have left to offer them now.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
We're fucked. And no it's not because of genders it's because of consolidation of wealth and power, atomization of society, and the active and worsening climate catastrophe.
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
I still have faith
Thexboxoneguy1991 · 31-35, M
@PrettyTroubles Why my friend?
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
Even after being hurt a lot we are all human have similar goals @Thexboxoneguy1991
Eternity · 26-30, M
I think that people have largely forgotten the point of society.

It was supposed to be an upgrade in the quality of life that comes from living as nomadic hunter gatherers.

Nowadays the two are about the same for working class people in the US.

Yes you would only live about 30 or so years. Life would be short and brutal. No "creature comforts" that you couldn't make with your bare hands and rudimentary tools.

But hell, if you tally up the time in your life that actually belongs to you; not spent in school or working or doing other things society demands of you, you would be very lucky to get 30 years worth.

And most of these creature comforts seem to be pretty bad for your mental health anyway according to all these fuckin studies.

At least as a nomadic hunter gatherer all of your life would be totally yours to do with as you please and answering to no one 🤷🏽‍♂️.
Intelligent ppl are forced to play dumb so as not to offend stupid ppl..
It is what it is! Each era has it's own pros and cons. I didn't "fit in" 70 years ago and I still don't. I found that it is just as difficult and just as rewarding to live now as it was back then.

People (that is society) have the same strengths and weaknesses now as they always did. human nature hasn't changed. The only thing that's changed is the world we inhabit.
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
You know that effect when government says "if covid tests are needed to be done for medical personnel it's for free" while those around just recall something like "bla bla bla for free", just as long as you don't have to pay 🙄
val70 · 51-55
Now don't get me started. When I was a child we had few and old books, nowadays everything needs to be new. We throw away hundred times the amount of books alone these days. It's disgusting. And the books these days are useless. No real classics are printed any more since ten years ago and all the airport novels have replace them in our libraries. Public libraries will be disappearing next like snow in the sun. Plenty more millionaires but none of them really invest in the future of their and our society like a century ago
iamelijah · 26-30, M
Disgusting. Just society in my place I dunno the other parts of the world.
It's rotten to the core and devoid of humanity.
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MougyWolf · 36-40, M
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
@Thexboxoneguy1991 revenge, retribution for the sword, because I am is angry, I dunno, pick one
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
@Thexboxoneguy1991 I always had the same question for it, to be honest with you
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
@Thexboxoneguy1991 probably, above all else, their usefulness
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
Now of late? *shudders*
DDonde · 31-35, M
It's pretty societal
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