DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
No baby they didn’t talk to you for that period of time because they don’t value you as a person and they’re going around screwing and entertaining other women
That is why the popping back up behavior should absolutely not be tolerated. You are giving them the green flag to treat you like shit and pop back up anytime when you entertain the bullshit
Cut them off, block and delete and find someone who values you
That is why the popping back up behavior should absolutely not be tolerated. You are giving them the green flag to treat you like shit and pop back up anytime when you entertain the bullshit
Cut them off, block and delete and find someone who values you
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@DeluxedEdition sucks but u right 😔💯✅
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@crushedstrawberriess I only say it because I want you to be aware and know that you deserve better 🫂
littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
That's 💯 percent truth. I have faced it and they become so stone cold.

crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@SW-User 🙌💯
Stillwaiting · M
[image/video deleted]
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@Stillwaiting fr💯💯💯

Are we finally done?
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@SW-User maybe 🥴

@crushedstrawberriess be done
Coppercoil · M
What does 2022 got to do with it?
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
Days i can understand but being upset about Hours? Hours is a bit unrealistic.
crushedstrawberriess · 22-25, F
@ViciDraco a few hours isnt a big deal but tbh if a person genuinely likes you, they wont be going 7+ hours without any contact, even if they are at work or just busy, a 3 sec text isnt impossible