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Alan Watts Thoughts On Modern Society

I wouldn't consider it a prediction but he did say everything correctly still about modern society. Definitely something good to watch. [media=]
I would only say this, he has no emotion while he expresses his worry, which some take to mean they have seen beyond emotion, but it could be expressed the author himself has become numb. Which can mean, he is only speaking intellectually and somewhat lost from whom he is trying to speak to? I would call this idea, numbing.
Joshagibby · 26-30, M
@SW-User I agree with you completely it is definitely numbing. I feel he has so much knowledge of what's to occur within society by constant thoughts on it. That he has grew to avoidance of his feeling about what's going on with life and about to happen. I also feel he is clearly dissatisfied with this learned knowledge and loss of faith in society in a whole. The other thing I was thinking is despite the vocals feeling deep with thought. I feel sorta that he has such hesitations and slow speaking it seems boring at times if not mostly. But I still believe it is a fascinating quoted story.
@Joshagibby I'd say his ambition in trying to project the world, where it will go, has cast himself a little cynical? Almosy beyond Nietzsche of good and evil, though I don't doubt he bases his words somewhere from him
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Detached, and for the very reason he refuses to talk about.

Touch! Touch is a method of communication that will never be replicated.

Oh! We are attempting it. Though that will never be the same as another person.
Jungleman · M
i want to stay in a happy state of mind, i don't want to be brought down and depressed, so i won't watch it.

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