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MarineBob · 56-60, M
The rich person actually filed a police report
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chrisCA · M
@purplegold39 In many countries, two types of justice.
purplegold39 · 41-45, F
@chrisCA True.
bijouxbroussard · F
The same reason rich people are more valued than the poor in most aspects. Money talks, unfortunately.
RebelFox · 36-40, F
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
Steeling from a homeless person is not really stealing it's more like finding something in the street...
RebelFox · 36-40, F
@SledgeHammer No
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
@RebelFox yes I know that was dum
It's to early for this
It's to early for this
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Likely because of the value of the property and likelihood of it ever being found again.