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What are the most troubling and or annoying things you encounter while in a public setting?

Encountering strangers and the difficulties which ensue.
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Magenta · F
Loud people and people carrying on conversations on their phones for all to hear. 🤦‍♀️
Wiseacre · F
I was gonna say...@Magenta
Wiseacre · F
Dirty toilets..
Just the annoying 'entitled' types.

You know, the ones who use use the wheelchair ramps to park on, whi use the 8 items or less checkout for a whole trolly of groceries, and the ones who argue with shop cashiers over store policy they qant then to break, just for them .

Oh...and people who like to stand and have discussions in the midddle of a path.
And those whi choose not to walk on the left and fuck up the whole pedestrian flow .

All little things...but of they all happen on one day out , they can change wjat qas meant to be a good productive day ....into a war on your patience level.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Did you forget the maniacs on the road today?@OogieBoogie

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