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looking4hotties · 36-40, F
Oh yeah I forgot about being able to select the kind of adult stories you can see. So maybe they already have a way to regulate what minors are seeing. Unless they lie about their age, and in that case their parents are not doing their job/

Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
Disabling interaction between minors and adults won't stop predators because they would simply supply a fake birthday. A lot of useful interaction between minors and adults with a real birthday would be stopped though. Generalization usually prevents little unwanted behavior and gets in the way of many good users.

Please let moderators take proper action against actual predators rather than treating every adult as a sex offender and keeping teens away from people with more life experience that may be very useful to them. EPAllie generalized everything and that was horrible. Let's target problems more specifically on here to be more effective AND prevent innocent victims by crossfire.
rollindeep · 31-35, M
Well, the OLD EP had a way to stop old people from contacting you. They had the option to enable / disable in Privacy settings. I don't support making it'disabled' for good. Most kids need our help. You've no idea how many of them attempted suicide, how many of them are extremely depressed, how many of them self harm, these kids need our help no matter what. Let me tell you something too, I've seen a 'few' lil girls interacting with the adults in 'that way'. The lil ones are also to blame in that situation. The only thing to keep pedophiles away is to report them with evidence.
looking4hotties · 36-40, F
I think you are right. If people who do put out sexually explicit stuff don't check the sexually explicit box that is there for that reason they should be kicked out. of course they can always make a new one with diff email, but if they dont wanna be kicked out again...... I myself can testify that you can post as much sexually explicit stuff as you heart (or other body parts) desires and know that children wont see it cause I do it the right way. the one prob is people can harass other people including miners. Hopefully they will have a way we can block people if we need to.
Supervixen · 22-25, M
Like everyone else is saying, they could use their age to deceive them. Which I think would be even worse actually, cause at least you know for sure that the person you're talking to is a pedo. I personally feel that the admins on here will do a good job at banning people who deserve to be banned. So far I haven't really seen any sexual posts.
DreamCandy · 26-30, F
That wouldn't necessarily help as anyone could falsify their DOB. A dedicated team of on-site moderators should be monitoring such things.

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