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How fat are you?
imareallyfatman · 36-40, M
@SW-User Actually, not much.

This is not at all what happened and I can post the conversation to prove it.

This mans "different opinion" was that Caccoon should show him her boobs because he had not yet seen them .....

This comment he made was under a post where she was discussing previous abuse from a former boyfriend who had made awful comments about her body and her breasts. This caused her grief and she self harmed. She was happy because she is starting to enjoy her own body again.

This man berated and argued with her and made snide and rude comments. He in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM was expressing a different opinion but invalidating her abuse and her ways of coping.

you are a sick fuck
imareallyfatman · 36-40, M
@Foolishpride I don't see any request for pics nor rude comments.
Actually i said she is more beautiful than many others, so she is lucky.
Its all there. Whatever you have been reported.

"What do we need?"
imareallyfatman · 36-40, M
@Foolishpride You created another account just to discuss here in this post.
You are a grow up man and aren't confident enough to talk with your real username? Wow, congratulation!

Also, what do we need means: "If you are so beautiful and need support because you feel ugly, then we who are ugly for real, how much support do we need?"

And reported for what? For having an opinion? Don't make me laugh, i didn't insult her but you did it with me.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I once blocked a guy who had a different opinion than mine; he felt it was a good idea to discuss in detail girls who have sex with dogs...and I didn't think so.
@greenmountaingal Oh, yikes. Yeah, that's a legitimate block, no question. 😳
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
Ynotjenn · F
We have famous users?
Ynotjenn · F
@questionWeaver right?! 🙄

You're famous to me!🤗
Thank you Jenn!

If there was a poll ... you would bracket in the top 10 of Hottest users.

I would vote alot to make sure!
Ynotjenn · F
@questionWeaver ha! Why thank ya!
You have totally mistated "freedom of speech"

Freedom of speech does not ... never has ... never will ... mean the listener needs to listen or TOLERATE the speaker.

Freedom of speech simply means you can say the stupidiest things you can imagine ... to the air, without being penalized for it.

In the US, we also have the natural right to Liberty (only nation on the planet to recognize it as a natural right)

Liberty means "we do not need to listen to other opinions" ... at all ... nor tolerate others expressions, when different from our own ... at long as we do not abridge their individual right to pursue happiness.

So ... you were blocked ... likely others will block you ... and it will have nothing to do with freedom of speech ... and everything to do with your lack of an ability to dialogue civily.

Tip: you have a difference of opinion ... anticipate being isolated ... and be strong about it.
SugarPlumxo · 31-35, F
This post is childish.
Having an opinion is an individual expression. Whether we agree or disagree is an outcome we can expect. It is disrespectful when one shut off a different opinion than your own. We all have a right to express ourselves,respectfully. I am sorry that happened to you. I do understand.
Who's a famous user ? 🤔
But seriously yes, that's fairly common unfortunately. I was unceremoniously cursed out and blocked by someone I'd always liked because of a difference in musical tastes, of all things. Guess that's part of the online experience.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard Jesus!! I didn't know that people are blocking already because of a difference in musical tastes!! 😂
@Loretta78 Yep, someone I'd spoken with since EP, too. I was surprised by that. 🙁
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@bijouxbroussard I am truly sorry for you because of the disappointment.
On the other site: I've never heard before from such a stupid reason to block someone. 🤦
Giana · 70-79, F
Anyone who has ever raised a child knows how to handle one that is bent on acting out. Many children will do anything for attention and any kind will do, even the negative kind. Their desperation is quite sad. I usually ignore this kind of behavior for several reasons, one, to avoid sinking to their level and two, to avoid feeding their insecurities or giving them the attention they look for. My policy is "Do not engage".
@Giana you are taking the word of a very sick man as valid.
Giana · 70-79, F
@Foolishpride OK, 'nuff said.
There are famous people here?
Ynotjenn · F
@SW-User yes. Apparently we aren't famous enough to know that 🤔
@SW-User Who knew?
A jackass opinion and that's why you were blocked.
I am sorry that happened to you. But this is typical of the ignorant. I do believe there is anyone so called "famous" here. We are all here - no one greater or lesser than the other.
muffinman · 61-69, M
don't let it get to you, imareallyfatman … every morn', gazing into the mirror … that putrid face looking back … and he blocks me!

that just ain't right. 🤤
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
What all did you say?
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Yes, that would be helpful, thanks
@imareallyfatman yea no this is not what he said
imareallyfatman · 36-40, M
@Foolishpride Don't worry, he has the whole conversation to read.

You sure feel the need to defend her, huh? Damn, you truly are a white knight!
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M

oh ew. who wants that?

you're having much more fun being.... blocked by.....

..'famous' users.

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