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XNexoX · 31-35, M
What was your exact message? Just "Why are you worried about it?" or was there some nastyness attached?
If you don't like this post maybe you shouldn't respond
XNexoX · 31-35, M
@tilagirl: I never said I didn't like it. I asked what the message was so I could understand if the blocking was justified or not.

HowlJenkinsPendragon · 31-35, M
Nigel is such a pussy. He blocks everyone who speaks up against him. He's also like always online like he doesn't work or anything. He just try's talking to girls that are old enough to be his granddaughters and picks fights with young handsome men like myself smh. 😂😂😂😂
@WickedWizardoftheWaste: Posting something specifically to personally attack someone and call names behind his back is chickensh*t. That's my grasp.
HowlJenkinsPendragon · 31-35, M
No, chickenshit is picking a fight with people half his age then blocking them as soon as they call him out. Your grasp is fucking *weak* LMAO! XD
HowlJenkinsPendragon · 31-35, M
Also Id call names to his fucking face if he didn't BLOCK me LMAO! B) <3
Sepia · 36-40, F
lol that creep...he thinks he's cool but we shouldn't give damn on him. Probably he likes to do it on us so he'll be talked about??.......
You're absolutely correct.😂
He blocked me without any reason
In fact,our conversations were always friendly
@tilagirl: yeah,i guess
@FallenOptimist22: he's a pussy
@tilagirl: lol okay😂
lasergraph · 70-79, M
I believe they call that ironic.
Yeah I think so too
Coppercoil · M
He blocked me too
He's got problems
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@funnywaterpipegirl: did he not like your enema? hahaha!
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So easily offended...😂
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
I hate that guy. He's one of the snowflake brigade that thinks being horrified by shitty things in the world is equivalent to whining. Then he whines about it.
If I ever see him in person I'll kick him in the balls
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
@tilagirl: the regular balls or the forehead balls?
@ChasingBrainBros: if he has any balls I'll find them and kick them
No wonder Billy Madison on EP always calls him a c*nt. He blocked me too. LOL
If I ever see that billy Madison in person I'll see if he has any balls and kick his too
@tilagirl: LOL
Hi gurrrllll....remember what we talked about? ☺ This site is __________.
BeardedDoc · 31-35, M
Never talked to the guy, looks like I am blocked too. Strange
He thinks he's clever
i am blocked too, idk why. never talked
Blessedsoul81 · 41-45, C
Miss, I believe sometimes we hit the 'proverbial' nerve with people. Such people need to grow a second skin just like we add extra paint to the walls so it withstands the elements of life... My skin s like the paint not even paint remover can remove I believe....
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You and Nigeldoes make a good couple. Both seem to be on the same page 🤔
You're crazy
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
Violence advocacy doesn't do anyone any good.
What is it with people calling out folks just because they've been blocked ?
HowlJenkinsPendragon · 31-35, M
@bijouxbroussard: your morality is wicked fucked up. You are ok with a guy who attacks people and then blocks when they defend themselves, but not people who call said guy out for his shitty behaviorwho stand their ground. That's like having a kid bully someone around and then disaplining the bullied kid for standing up for himself. 😂😂😂
tnjazz · 70-79, M
@bijouxbroussard: Amen sister

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